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b. February 6, 1978 at 7:00 P.M. shall be set as the time and <br />date for the second Public Hearing. The hearing will be <br />before the Planning Commission and the purpose will be to <br />receive additional public opinion and suggested program <br />recommendations from the public and Administra~ive Staff and <br />to make selections of ~esired CDBG programs. Notice of Public <br />Hearing to be given by publication in the Paris News, Sunday, <br />January 22, 1978. <br />c. F~bruary 13, 1978 at 7:00 P.M. shall be set as the time and <br />date of final Public Hearing before the City Council prior <br />to preapplication. Purpose shall be to receive recommendations <br />from the Planning Commission, to resolve differences arising <br />from previous hearings and to make neces~~ry program adjust- <br />ments. Notice of Public Hearing will be given by publication <br />in the Paris News, Sunday, January 22, 1978. <br />d. Prior to submission of the full application, a Pub1ic Hearing <br />will be held on the proposed applic~tion before adoptaon of <br />authorizing resolution. <br />2. As provided, the Planning Commission shall review program sug- <br />gestions, recommend priorities, analyze program feasability and <br />report its findings to the City Council. These reports shall be <br />made as follows: <br />~ a. At the final Public Hearing prior to preapplication submittal. <br />3. The City shall provide the Planning Commission with sufficient <br />technical assistance to allow informed judgements of the tech- <br />nical merits of each project. This technical assistance shall <br />come from qualified specialists who are either on the City's <br />Staff or who are paid consultants to the City. <br />6. The City shall advertise, by fee, any and all Public Hearings in the <br />local news media and shall provide news releases to the media in an <br />effort to supplement paid advertising with reported news stories <br />covering the Citizen Participation activities. <br />III. Authorit , <br />~ <br />~433~ ~ thi s Ci ti zen <br />In accordance with requirements of 24 CFR pa~'~~5~~. ~ <br />Participation Plan is adopted by resolutian recorded i~n the minutes of <br />the regular City Council meeting held on the 9th day of January, 1978. <br />