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County: La.mar Page 1 of 1 <br />Control: 1690-1 <br />Highway: Loop 286 <br />Exhibit "A" <br />Being all of the 0.499 acre tract of land (drainage easement) <br />situated in the Isaac Cruse Survey, Abstract No, 162, acquired by <br />the State of Texas by eminent domain proce.edings in Cause No. 8189 <br />styled State of Texas vs. E. T. F3oy1.e and wife, Zonita Boyle in the <br />County Court of Lamar County, Texas, the final judgment being entered <br />on April. 6, 1964, and recorded in Vc?lume 415, Page 32 cf tYie Deed <br />Records of Lamar County, Texas, said easement being more particularly <br />described as follows: <br />BEGINNING at a point in the east right-of-way line of Loop 286, <br />said point being N 71° 48' E a distance of 137.0 feet from centerline <br />survey station 144-F00 of said Loop 286, said point being S 76° 59' W <br />a distance of 1284.0 feet to a point: in a curve to the right whose <br />radius is 3819.83 feet and whose tartgent at this point bears N`L1° 35' W, <br />thence in a northerly direction with said curve to the right a distance <br />of 225.7 feet to a point in said curve to the right whose tangent bears <br />N 18° 12' W, thence N 71° 48' E a distance of 137.0 feet from the south- <br />east corner of E. T. Boyle, Jr., 81.6 acre tract, said poi.nt also being <br />in a curve to the right whose radius is 3682.83 feet and whose tangent <br />bears N 18° 12' W; <br />THENCE in a northerly direction with said curve to the right and <br />said east right-of-way line a distance of 75.5 feet, a point in said <br />curve to the right whose tangent bearv N 17° 02' W; <br />THENCE N 5° 48' E a distance oi 293.7 feet, a point; <br />THENCE S 84° 12' E a distance of 60.0 feet, a point; <br />THENCE S 5° 48' W a distance of. 428.6 feet, a point, said point being <br />in said east right-o£-way line, said point also being iri said curve to the <br />Y•ight whose tangent bears N 19° 20' W; <br />THENCE in a northerly directiori with said east right-of-way line and <br />said curve to the right a distance cyf 72.2 feet to t'le place of beginning <br />and containing 0.499 acre of land, more or 1ess. <br />