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FI$LD NOTES FOR PRgPERTY TO BB RETtTRNSD TO <br />BABCOCK AND WILCOX Cc?MtAA'Ti~ IN E.'YCi3ANG8 FOR <br />RIGHT-GF-WAY 'r`OR F.M. IiIG'rTWAY 130. 137, <br />L,ArSAR CAUNTY, TEXAS <br />Being a part of a 1.345 Acre tract of land aituated in the Asa Jarman Survey, <br />Abstract Tdo. 749, conveyed by Henry Simmous ~o the State of Texas bp deed <br />dated June 11, 1952, amd recorded in Volcsnae 330, Page 460 of the Deed Records <br />of I.amar County, Texas; being all of a 0.666 acre tract of land situated in <br />the Asa Jarman Suavey, Abst. No. 749 conveyed bq J. B. S•ailliams and Elizabeth <br />Williams Revell to the StaCe of Texas as tart No. 1 of the deed dated July I, <br />1952 nnd recorded in Vo1une 325, ?age 492 of the Deed Recorda of Lamar County, <br />Texas; being all of a 0.532 acre tract of land situated in the Asa Jasman <br />Survey, Abscract zao. 749, cartveyed by Fuby Williams and husbgnd R. A. Williaaxs <br />to the 5tate of Te.xas by deed dated Augu3t 15, 1947 and recorded in Voltme 298, <br />Page 233 of the Deed Aecords of Lamar County, Texas; and being all of a 0.384 <br />acxe tracC aituatad in the Asa Jarma►n Sunicq, Abgtract No. 749 conveye3 by J. <br />M. Gladden to the SLate of fexas by dedicatian instrument dated February 22, <br />1947 and recorded in Volume 291, Page 18 of the Deed Records of Lamar County, <br />Tex,as, and being a part of the tract dedicated for right-of-way by T. E. Brazel- <br />tan to the State of Texas on the 25th day of Juae, 1947, recorded in Voltme 291, <br />Page 141, of Deed Ftecorda of Lamar County, Texas; <br />BEGIT'dNING at a point at the intersection of the exisging and proposed west right- <br />of-way lf.nes of F. M. Highway No. 137, sa3.d point bears N 55° 06' W a distance of <br />60 feet from Station 42-h80.8 of the proposed centerline and N 43° 49' W a distance <br />of 40 feet fran Station 43-t-0$.8 of the existing centerline; said point also being <br />5 8$° 47' E a distance of 243 feat ta a point on a curve to the right with a <br />radius of 1085.92 feet, with said curve co the right a distance of 424.5 feet, <br />the end of said curve, S 34° 54' tJ a distaace of 14747 feet from an inside c4mer <br />of a 7.72 acre Cract of land conveyed to Babcock and 4lilcox Company by deed dated <br />January 15, 1953 and recorded in Vol.ume 334, Page 522 0£ the Deed Records ai Lamar <br />County, Texas, said corner elso beiag the Southweat cc:rner of a tract owned by <br />Tomay Duf f ; <br />THBNCI S 34° 54' W a distance of 408.8 feet, a point, said point being N 55° 06° W <br />a dietance of 60.0 feet from Station 46+89.6 at the proposed centerline, said point <br />being in the exiating East right-of-way line of said exiating F. M. Iiighway"Ido. 137; <br />TEIBNCE S 46° 11' W along said existing East right-of-way line a distance of 621.2 <br />faet, a point, the beginning of a curve to the left with a radius of 359.25 feers <br />THENCS in a southerly direction with sai' «y-r; to the left and said exisrirg <br />right-o£-way line of F. M. Hi,-,,h-.~ay No. a aistance of 293.0 feet, to a goint, <br />the end of said carve; TiI3II+tGF, S 0• 43' w' a1ong said existing rigtet-of-way line of F. M. Highwaq Na. 137, <br />a distance o£ 7.9 feet to a poi.nC, the begi, of a curvs to the right with a <br />radius of 449.25 feet; ,41 <br />cr.=' <br />BXHIBIT <br />Pa,r,e 1 of 2 <br />