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Thence N. 1° 09' E. with the West property line <br />of Reba J. Smith's property, a distance of 188' to a <br />point for corner; said point also being the most <br />South West corner of Lot 4, City Block 276; <br />Thence N. 88° 51' E. a distance of 50' to the <br />N. E. corner of Lot 4-A; <br />Thence S. 1° 09' E. with the East prop erty line <br />a distance of 188' to the place of beginning and <br />containing .216 acres, fronting 50 feet on the North <br />Boundary Line of Clement Road. <br />in exchange for the City of Paris conveying to Harmon Smith and <br />Reba J. Smith, jointly, the following described property: <br />Situated within the corporate limits of the City <br />of Paris, County of Lamar, State of Texas, a part of <br />the Redding Russell Survey and being part of the same <br />property conveyed the City of Paris by deed recorded <br />Book 238, Page 621, Deed Records, Lamar County, Texas, <br />being part of Lot 6, City Block 276, and more particu- <br />larly described as follows: <br />Beginning at a stake in the proposed south right- <br />of-way line of Loop Hwy. 286 and also being S. 880 51' <br />W. a distance of 591 from the present southeast corner <br />of said City of Paris tract; <br />Thence S. 88° 51' W. along the south boundary <br />line of said tract a distance of 235' to a point for <br />corner; said point being in the north boundary line <br />of Lot 4, City Block 276, belonging to Harmon Smith; <br />Thence N. 1° 09' W. a distance of 160' to a <br />point; said point being in the proposed south right- <br />of-way line of Loop Hwy. 286 N. E.; <br />Thence S. 57° 09' E. along said proposed south <br />right-of-way line of Loop Hwy. 286 N. E. a distance <br />of 285' to the place of beginning containing .432 <br />acres. <br />NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RFSOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE <br />CITY OF PARIS, PARIS, TF.XAS, That the Mayor of the City of <br />Paris, James W. Farris, be, and he is hereby author ized to exe- <br />cute a general warranty deed to Reba J. Smith and Harmon Smith, <br />conveying the above described .432 acres in exchange for Reba <br />J. Smith's conveyance of .216 acres to the City of Paris and <br />Harmon Smith's conveyance of .693 acres to the City of Paris. <br />Passed and adopted this 7th day of June, 1971. <br />, <br />s W. Farris, Mayor <br />ATTEST • , <br />. <br />, <br /> <br /> <br />H. C. Greene, City Clerk <br />FORM: <br />T. KV Hay*es, AIF'ity Attorney <br />