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.-P • • <br />FORREST AND COTTON <br /> ~s~x~zrres~~s <br />600 VAUGHN BUILDING <br />T. CARR FORREST, JR. DALLAS 1, TEXAS <br />JAMES A. COTTON <br />January 29, 1957 <br />Mr. A. K. Steinheimer <br />City Manager <br />City of Paris <br />Paris, Texas <br />Dear Mr. Steinheimer: <br />After proper advertising the City of Paris opened bids at 7:00 P. M. <br />on January 28, 1957, for "cleaning and cement mortar lining of <br />certain water mains. " <br />Probably due to the fact tha.t this is a highly specialized operation, <br />only one bid was received. This was submitted by Pipe Linings, Inc. , <br />Robert C. Sargent, Executive Vice President, P. O. Box 457, Wil- <br />mington, California. The bidder submitted quota.tions on all eleven <br />items for making up Gontract No. 1. The total bid is $53, 613. 50. <br />By way of comparison, the estimate of cost which we have previously <br />prepared for these items of work is $68, 050. 00. Thus, the bid is <br />approximately $15, 000. 00 under the estimate. <br />Mr. Gharles Davin, representative of Pipe Linings, Inc. , ha.s been <br />to our office today and supplied us with information on his company's <br />experience in this field of work, on the experience of the personnel <br />he proposes to use, and on the financial responsibility of the company. <br />In all these he has given us satisfactory answers. The bid bond <br />furnished by the company was supplied by Fidelity and Deposit Company <br />of Maryland and presumably will be the company to issue the per- <br />formance bond. Our general understanding of this bonding company <br />is that it is financially solvent and able to place this bond. Since the <br />total bond of $53, 613. 50 is somewhat small, we feel sure the United <br />States Treasury would list this company as being more than able to <br />write a bond in this amount. <br />