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LUTzON rX). <br />A RESflLiJTIUN AllTkIOItIZAIIaG JII1 D=~;CTING T}U~' I6ST:~CTION' UF ::ITIr ~:;;=Aa :st~ID DECI.-~?LZ;G <br />TKiTa <br />tffiereasy City 13ands hareitiafter ~~'zctified and designated have heretvfore <br />been paid 6y the CTTY OF P;',:;.IS and no lnnk;ar are ati obligati.on aUairat said Cityi and <br />;=hereas, .xich boncia w~1 serva no fwrther purpose to the C~ OF P.,«IS, therefares <br />LIE Il %.a~~1(fyyi'0 D.1. T11.F, C.LlY WUiYVIL 11F a 4 5..,'~GAl WIYUJ 11J1;N111'lED 1iS <br />F0LIA'Z-,q i3E, DFS"Ab.iYL°'D i <br />{iik, 0f iDaI'i$' Texa$ F✓j.t'iry lautit'ito1I" 3ond,# i10• 4 tO Nf7• :30th <br />inc:Lusivep for the prirsaipMt2 sum of 3UU.OO each ? 2A U0 900 <br />City af i'aris :3ewer C:anstxuatian Wnd, `~eries 19340 Na. 13 <br />to 20,incl.usivesfor the pr3ncipaL sum of "MOU0.00 each A~t3tA.oO <br />City of T'aria# Tsxas tiarth 5ide "omr PIarit :3azad,, Pdo. 4 ta <br />Pdo. 7s inalusile,for ths pr3ncipal sum af one ;''250.00 and <br />tihree fc~r 7"500.00 each 1,75O•C70 <br />Cit;a of "aris Ref'unciing Bonds, 1927t No• 116 to No. 172, <br />incla8ive,pfor the principal aua of ``1r0i:~3.00 each 57i0to.cJO <br />City of x aris ilefund:ing i~ondsv 1936f~ Pio. 68 to rifl. 1293 <br />inc].usive~ for the priilaipal sur.a of :*1tCO0.00 each 62'0t3C7.00 <br />C3t;i af i3ar3.s Street I?:o-surFacine, Bcrnds! 1936,p :;a. 8 to <br />N0. 13,inalusive ,fnr t4e priricipal sum of 1,000.00 each 6vo;;x7.U() <br />Cit;y of 'Pa,t°is Street inProveLlent Bandfyl937r a,o. 7 tc9 <br />Pro. liJ, inclus3ve,fosy tho prina;tpal mu: of `~1,OtA.UO eaeh 4POW.00 <br />City af Paris Street I:4~roqer:yartt B+ands,, 1938o P3o. 6 to <br />Na. 9a in.clusive,fcrr tr}e prinaipal auei of °'ljp(~0.i() eacta 4,ow.00 <br />City of Paris itreet lai;srom;}ent Bonds :1939f Ujo. 4 to <br />NQ. r31 inclusivep for the prirzcz3.pal aua of 11.0w.00 each 5:OOU.OC <br />City ot' Parim =~ater ~ior!%'s 3,mpraverAent :,3ondsjp 1939> No. 4 <br />to P-s inc3.usivesfor the principal au:a of Ta500.00 each 2$506.00 <br />{'iity Of Pdil`18 gtE9T ~i0rkS liQTdFip SOY`'~l@s "G"°,p h0• 4a t.Q <br />Na. 52Ui anc2usive, for the principal swa of 1A#GOG.Oc7 each A0,1000000 <br />_ <br />Said bond~ aggregmting the aura af 252425,-,.00 <br />The City Clsrk shal.l paroduce the bnnds 5.n the paresence of the City Coci.ncil acld he <br />and the Mayor shall. 3n such presencze„ destr4y each and all of sa3.d t7oncls by burnirg <br />them~ ~,nd the Cit~° 0lerk sha'Ll raake praper record 4 their destruction and r,ake <br />suco entry as sha11 sluovr that swa does not cnnstitut.e an outst►anc3ine <br />upan the I-srt ot t.he CITY OF e>,ZtIS,, aud th3.s ITUZULUTTUN will setwoo upnn such antry <br />being mades, t4 ,£u]1y and final.3.y canoel said bc►YUts. <br />Pd.S5ED :iN0 TIiIS &h day of Mvp 1949. <br />aye 8: ..15- <br />Pdaya; 0 <br />r:ttes't a . <br />11. F. Sh ' nj. City~ Cl;X <br />11. <br />. -1~,. F' a ~.iari, ~.:.17. - yor <br />