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Ts Ii. w. Parctunany i..ll., ~.~yar of Cit; of Pariep bmxeby certify that 3n acr,orclanco <br />with 4iaao.Lution N passed tlaY 9th, 1949i in WUL,Ct ST:s" aION of the City 0ouncil., <br />ciiteat~; t,tie $truation of cssrtairi bonds of Oity of ?,3ris, the fal2osdxc- bonds <br />were cbstroyed by burniizg thema <br />City of Parr3.s, Texas C3,ty tbattoir I3onds Nio. 4 to 'j,p bath inclueivei <br />far <br />the prinaipmi suza of '1~500.00 each <br />2#00O.Ofl <br />Cit~, of parin Sewer Conatruation BondA Se►ries 1934o Zdd. 13 tcr 20 <br />P <br />, <br />inclusive' tor ths principal sum of U1,000.00 saah <br />E33000.00 <br />Cit~y of I'ari$, 'I' exas Nortt: Side Saver ^lant 1iond, No. 4 to 71, in_ <br /> for th~ prinaipal eum of one "230.UU and thres Snr the <br />succ of 15OO.00 each <br />Zs750A0 <br />G3.ty of T'aris Retlulding I3ondsj, 1927s NQ. llb to 172i incluaivev <br />fcr tt2e principal sun of "1,iJtX3.~G each <br />57,Qt;o.00 <br />City of :'ari8 RsfuncLfing %3vnds, 1936, Va. 6t, t4 129, inalusive,, <br />far the pr3naip8:L sw of each <br />62,000.00 <br />Mity o1 1 aris ativPL t?a-Qlu3-1aQing 13VL14ia: 1736'J No• 8 LV 13~ in- <br />c,].usive, fvr the prinaipal sum of 1'19000.00 aach <br />6,ooC3.oo <br />City of Paris Street xmproverernt Band, 1937, No. 7 to 10, inctusive, <br />for the suua of "`1,0~iC1.00 each <br />4,(3UYi.00 <br />City of x'aris Street Lnprovemexit i3nnd# 19383 I1o. 6 to 9t irxclus3.ve3 <br />for tPe prirzipal au,sn of each ° <br />4PC;C:C;.u(; <br />Cit;,F of yaris Stxeet T.mprc>m-arrt I3ondp 19391, l+e. 4 to t,inclus:ive, <br />for the pr3.ncipml suza of ''~1yOW,00 eqah <br />5.,00u.00 <br />City of p'aris ~:atar i4orlca :tnarc,va° ient 'i3andsj, 1939, 'No. 4 to 8i in-- <br />cluaives Sor the principuy swm of 'MG.00 each 2,500.0G <br />Gity of Paris 'liater yiorks Bondsp Seriee !°4nj, t3a. 421 to 52oi in- <br />cl.usivej, tar the princ.ipal ma of 1';~1t0QU.0.3 each 100,000 .t7o <br />aaid Hords aggregating the sum of S 252s.230.00 <br />Such I3agids were dsatrayecl on 9tli day of IhWy 1949y at tiw City Hall of the City <br />of Paris 5n presencs of rayself,, H,~' mturx gor and I.~. _,f ~s ~,~.y. She, t,crn~s <br />C..~,Tt,.y Clark ~nd tda,~s folla~ members the C Caunc3,.]. o.f tzie City of <br />Par s,, exa r <br />A. I,• St,einheimar; F. J•; }{a;c'ry 'iya7ker; JoYux 'Vs. 'Xi1:Liiamsy <br />R$y 48lte2'~s bo~, <br />LXECi3TxaA Tl3IS 9`th day of fi>,tay, 1$1+9. <br />ATTE3Tt • ~ <br />Lf. Sh ton, Ci y Cle <br />C ity of Pax'is i, Texas <br />Cit;; of Paris, Twas <br />i f 3G Sd. JEOTE OF =ti.:a ~ <br />~ <br />COUN'r~ ~F L'iix:AI'l <br />S"4014' M sUBSC:tZB<,D M :.~71,7010; 1% TIIIS ,,..M DAY OF M~.Y, 1949. <br />~ <br />rI3TARx PU LIC z~,,' ArD RvR Lc.a)r-rrrx, TEXAS <br />W. G. MosivOW, Netary e.,ri: . <br />