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City and Paris Living in relationship to an agreement between our two organizations. Mr. <br />Hunter is a licensed mortgage loan originator through the Nationwide Mortgage Licensing <br />System and Registry. We have included, in this packet, a biography of Mr. Hunter for your <br />review. <br />C�rrently, Paris Living is administering a first time homebuyer program futaded through <br />TDHCA Reservation Systern Pro�am which will create new low income homeowners in Lamar <br />County (including the City of Paris), Red Rivex County, Fannin and Delta County. To <br />accomplish this task, we have entered into verbal agreements with other local agencies <br />including the City of Paris, Paris Housing Authority, Keep Paris Beautiful and Paris Habitat for <br />Humanity. � <br />As autlined in the Proposed Scope of Work listed below, we anticipate providing the City with <br />a tumkey operation of its homebuyer assistance program. The services we propose for the <br />project include: affinmative marketing, application intake, Iender coordination, individua2 loan <br />iile review and approvai, coordination of homebuyer counseluzg, coordination and oversight of <br />the required minimum property code inspections, assistance with financial management, record <br />keeping, coordination with local title companies, project d�ument preparation coordination, <br />administrative and project envimnmental reviews, on-site client representation durin� state <br />monitoring visits, individual file maintenance, project close-out assistance, and other assistance <br />as required by ihe City to fulfilt its obligations with TDHCA. <br />Propnsed Scope of Work <br />The following is our proposed work product for each of the categories listed in the Request for <br />Proposals. <br />➢ Project Msnagement <br />• In general, Paris Living will completely manage the HOME Program award for the City <br />including record keeping, file maintenance, submission of documentation to TDHCA, <br />preparation and submission of all required reports and will serve as liaison for the City during <br />any monitoring visit of TDHCA ar HtJD staff. In addition to any City staff that may be <br />required to attend, representatives of Paris Living will attend any and alI TDHCA required <br />grant implemcntadon training. <br />➢ F[nancial Management <br />• The HOME Program is a total reimbursement program. That is, funds have to be advanced <br />by the City to the closing table and aRer the Ioan has closed, then the Cily will be reimbtused <br />by TDHCA for its expendit�u�es, Because this program is a reimbursement progam, no <br />separate banking accounts need to be maincained• However, a written journal of ezpenditures <br />and reimbursexnents including receipts must be kept by the City. We will review the loan files <br />before closing and will notify the individual whom the Gity has identified as responsible for <br />funds transfer and approve the transfer of funds to the title company. We will maintain a file <br />record of the cashier's check or transfer of funds to the Title Company if the City Qrovides that <br />infonnation to us. The file wili ulso have copies of pertinent invoices related to the closings. <br />Paris Living will interface with TDHCA on the City's behalf regarding reimbursement issues <br />and will keep the City informed of any and all pmblems of expenditure reimbursement. <br />➢ Record keeping <br />• Our contracted consultant has been trained in State and federal record keeping requirements <br />as they relate to the Homebuyer Assistance Program. Paris Living will maintain all individual <br />loan files and the dacuments therein for review by the City and TDHCA. Paris Living wil! <br />create all set up and draw documents for each loan for signature and appraval by the <br />