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HOUSING AUTHORITY OF'l,HE CI'1'Y OF PARIS <br />POST OPF'ICE BOX 688 <br />PARIS, TEXAS 75461 <br />903 784 - 6651 <br />Septenilber 14, 2001 <br />N1ike iVtaloue <br />City11auiager <br />CitV Of Paris, "l'exas <br />Dear. 'Mr. Maloue: <br />It is our understanding that the Young vs. Vlartinez Pund money has been sct aside b~tlle State for the possi6le purchase of tlie Rarz NIa 1'azz club site. <br />X1'e are conhdene Lhe City of Paris will mal:e a successful applica[ion For lliese t'unds. <br />Thc Housinh Authority of the City of Paris otl'ers our wholehearted support for tiiis <br />un<lerLal:ing. <br />Por iuany ycars this establishment has created a concern for the sat'ety ancl wc;ll-beiu;; <br />of our residents at Booker '1'. Washington Homes. Many resi(lents have conLacted the <br />:luthority roicing eheir concertts and fears. l:specially those who reside directly across <br />the sh-cet lrom the club. Activities at the Razr vIa "1'azz club soinetimes last until carl}moniing, hours. Maiiy of the patruns are in the parl:ing lot, sidewall:s, and c\en thc <br />Cront yaucis ot'our residents. "1'hese activities continue long after dle club is closal. <br />"l,he Housing Authoriry and the residents of 13ooker "1'. Washington offer the city their <br />support and any assistance necessary to eliminate this public nuisance, and potentially <br />dail;;erous environment for public housiiig. <br />RECEiVED <br />llenny 1Z.Head <br />SEP 17 2001 <br />C[TY MANACER <br />PARiF. -rexAS <br />