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06-E BTW Community Ctr Funds
City Council
Agenda Packets
12 - December
06-E BTW Community Ctr Funds
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Last modified
9/12/2012 10:54:42 AM
Creation date
12/4/2001 7:31:06 PM
Item Number
Apply for funding to construction community center for BTW Homes
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§24.106 <br />the tenant-ownefs dght, ti[le, and in- <br />terest in the improvement; and <br />(2) The owner of the real property on <br />which the improvement is located dis- <br />claims all interest In the improvement; <br />and <br />(3) The payment does not result Sn <br />the duplication oF any compensation <br />otherwise authorized by law. <br />(e) A[ternatlve campensatlan. Nothing <br />in [hts subpar[ shall be consirued to <br />deprive the cenant-owner of any dght <br />to reJect payment under this subpart <br />and to obtain payment for such prop- <br />erty Interestsin accordance with other <br />applicable law. <br />[54 FR 8928, Mar. 2, 1989; 54 FR 24712, June 9, <br />1989, as amended at 64 FR 7132, Feb. 12, 19%] <br />§24.106 Ezpenaee incidental to trane- <br />fer o[ titie to the Agency. <br />(a) The owner of the real property <br />shall be reimbursed for all reasonable <br />expenses the owner necessarlly in- <br />curred far: <br />(l) Recording fees, transfer taxes, <br />documentary stamps, evidence of title, <br />boundary surveys, legal descriptions of <br />the real property, and similar expenses <br />inciden[al [o conveying the real prop- <br />crty [o the Agency. However. the Agen- <br />cy is no[ required to pay costs solely <br />requlred to perfect the owner's title to <br />the real property; and <br />(2) Penalty costs and other chazges <br />for prepayment of any preexisting re- <br />corded mortgage entered into in good <br />faith encumbering the real property; <br />and <br />(3) The pro rata portion of any pre- <br />paid real property taxes which are allo- <br />cable to the perlod after the Agency <br />obtains title to the property or effec- <br />tive possesslon of St, whichever is ear- <br />lier. <br />(b) 4Vhenever feazible, the Agency <br />shall pay these costs directly so that <br />the owner will not have to pay such <br />costs and then seek relmbursement <br />from [he Agency. <br />424.107 Certaia litigation erzpenaee. <br />The owner of the real property shall <br />be reimbursed for any reasonab(e ex- <br />penses, induding reasonable altorney, <br />appralsal, and engineering fees, which <br />the owner actually incurred because of <br />a condemna2ion proceeding, 1f: <br />49 CFR SubtRle A(10-1-00 Editton) <br />(a) The finaljudgment of the court is <br />that the Agency cannot acquire the <br />real property by condemnation; or <br />(b) The condemnation proceeding is <br />abandoned by the Agency other [han <br />under an agreed-upon settlement; or <br />(c) The court having furisdlction ren- <br />ders a Judgment in favor of the owner <br />In an lnverse condemnatlon proceeding <br />or the Agency effects a settlement of <br />such proceeding. <br />§24.308 Donatione. <br />An owner whose real property is <br />being acquired may, after being fully <br />informed by the Agency of the right to <br />recelve Just compensation for such <br />property, donate such property or any <br />part thereof, any interest therein, or <br />any compensaHon paid therefor, to the <br />Agency as such owner shall determine. <br />The Agency is responsible for assuring <br />that an appraisal of the real property <br />is obtafned unless the owner releases <br />the Agency from such obligation, ex- <br />cept as provided In 524.302(c)(2). <br />Subpart C--General Relocation <br />Requirements <br />§24.201 Purpoee. <br />This subpart prescribes general re- <br />quirements governing the provision of <br />relocaHOn paymen[s and other reloca- <br />tion ass{stance 1n this part. <br />¢24.202 Applicability. <br />These requtrements apply to the relo- <br />cation of any displaced person as de- <br />ftned at § 24.2. <br />[54 FR 8928, Mar. Z, 1989, as amelMed at 64 FR <br />7132, Fe6. 12, 1999] <br />$24.203 Ralceationnoticee. <br />(a) Ceneral informatlon notice. As soon <br />as £easlble, a person scheduled to be <br />displaced shall be furnlshed with a gen- <br />eral wdtten descdptlon of the dis- <br />placing agency's relocatfon program <br />which does at least the following: <br />(I) Informs [he person that he or she <br />may be displaced for the project and <br />generally describes the relocatlon pay- <br />ment(s) for which the person may be el- <br />igible, the basic conditions of eligl- <br />billty, and the procedures for obtaining <br />the payment(s). <br />220 <br />
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