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FIELD NOTE DESCRIPTION <br /> <br />All ihat certain tract or parcel or land situated in Lamer County. <br />Texas. in Ihe Norlh part or the cily o1' ParJ~: bein*:j parllal' th~ ' <br />Reddin Rulsell'Sgrvey. AbHract No. 786: and ~eln~ aJJ or a call.d <br />7.~45 acre Irocl a~ land described in Deed [rom James ~. Slarn01er Io <br /> <br />661. Page .SgG. Oecd flec6rd* o~ Lamer Counly. Texas: and being more <br />parliculorJy~ ~scribed a~ [a~lozz. Io-xit: <br /> <br />8e~i~njnS at a ~/~' ~ia. R. S. Rod (l'ound) al I~e re,er Norlheatl <br />corner or iald called 7.345 arr, Iracl or land. in Ihe ~ett fine .or U. <br />S. Hi~xay No.' 27h ~ame being I~e Soulheazt ~orntr or a ~lled 2.00 <br />acr~ Iroct or land delcrJbed ia Deed lo the S~ale or Texas (Vol. S~7. <br />Pa~e 67~ ~R): <br /> <br />Thence $ 3" 44' 54' E. along the Y~eH line of *aid high~ay, a diHance <br />of 256.570 reel to a '~/8' dlia. R. S. Rod (set1 al Ihe upper 5outhealt <br />corner al' said called 7.3~$ acre tract al' land: ~amq being the <br />Northeasl corner aT a called 0.659 acre Iract of land delcribed in <br />Deed Io Ronnie Mellon iVol. 665. PacJe 245 RP): <br /> <br />Thence S 89" ~' 12' W. a all,lance of 300.0~0 reel to a 3/8' dia. R. <br />S. Rod (l'ound) at an inner ~:o!rner~'ai'' said 7.~)4c[ acre Iract or land and <br />Northwest corner of sa~d call!ed 0.SSg acre tract oi' land: <br /> <br /> Thenc. e S 4' 00' 52' [;"-6 d'iHanc, e or {25.30i r,,~ io o 3/8' dia. R. S. <br /> Rod (found) al Ihe la,er Sou!heart corner of ,aid called 7.345 acre <br /> Iroct or land and $oulheesl Corner or lald called O.§Sg ocr~ tract or <br /> land. in Ihe North line oi' a ~alled 4.2(~ acre Iracl of land de~crlbed <br /> in Deed or TruH l'rom Rex Adams (¥ol. $~4. I~age I§0 RPI: <br /> <br /> Thence S 90'.00' 00' W. a all,lance 0i".535.;~51 reel to a 3/8' <br /> S. Rod (i'o~nd) al the South,alii corner o'( ~ald' c'~iled 7.545 acre iracl <br /> o( land and Norlh~e~l corner o1' ~,p~d..cdlle~ 4.2cj acre tract oi' land. <br /> in the E:asl line oi' Ihe SI. L~uis and San ~ranclsco Railroad: <br /> <br /> Thence Norlhea,lerl¥.ialong the E~sl'line ai' said Railroad. bei. n~ a <br /> Curve Io Ihe Left. (Cenlral ajngle - 5' 52· 26'. Radius - 5779.650 <br /> Feel. C}~or'd b,*aring and dhla~ce - N I1' iS' 31' E. §g2.27§ feet) an <br /> arc distance of 5(~2.53.5 .Feeli to o'.5/8' dia. R. S. Rod (Jet) at <br />.Norlh~'eH .corner or said ~a~'l'bd acre tract of'land, and <br />Souiheesl corner oi' a called .5.566 acre tract or land described in <br />Deed to Al~izted Living Concepl~. Inc. (Vol. 8;~,. Page 2.58 RP): <br /> <br /> Thence N 90' 00' 00' [. a ~?tonce of 264.000 i'eet to a ~3/8' dia.'R. <br /> S. Rod (Found) a~ the upper ~orlheasl corner' of said called 7.3,45 acre <br /> Iracl or land and Norlh~re~l c~orner or laid called 2.00 acre Iracl <br /> land· in Ihe South line of said coiled .5..506 acre Il'act o~' land: <br /> <br /> Thence S 5' 47' 00' E. a distance of 200.403. Feet I'o a .5/8' dia. R. S. <br /> Rod .(tel) at on inner corner oi` sa~d c&lled 7..34S acre Iracl or land <br /> and Soulh~e~t corner al' *aid called 2.00 acre traal of ~and: <br /> <br />Thence N 89' 54' 3.0' E. o ~istance of' 455.02g i'eel <br />becjinnln~ and conta~nincJ 7.42~ acres of land. <br /> <br />to Ihe place <br /> <br />The bearing* recited herein are bo,ed on the Deed call of the Ia,er <br />~outh llne al` ~ald called 7.3.45 acre Iract or land ([~asl A. Well). <br /> <br /> <br />