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Special City Council Meetrng <br />August 21, 2001 <br />Page 6 <br />the Community Development Department. City Manager Malone said he had prepared <br />this budget in such a way as to go back to the way the departments were configured <br />some years ago. He told the Council that when Earl Smith came to work for the city <br />there was a Community Development Department headed by Joe McCollum. When <br />Mr. McCollum retired Earl Smith took over the department. He said that one of the <br />things that Mr. Smith was concerned about was the workload and the contact with the <br />public. As it became so onerous, he did not feel like he had the time and resources that <br />he needed to deal with all of the issues. By reestablishing a Community Development <br />Department and placing Tommy Haynes in the position as the director of that <br />department, it will be possible for the City Engineer to give more attention to <br />engineering work. Mr. Haynes would receive an upgrade in pay as a director and would <br />be responsible for code enforcement activities and the airport as well as the <br />responsibilities of planning, zoning, and building regulations. Included in the new <br />Community Development Department personnel is Steve Methven as Building <br />Official, a construction inspector, the three code enforcement officers, and 50% of the <br />administrative assistant. <br />City Manager Malone said they put a budget together for this department, and they <br />have reduced the funding for dilapidated housing demolition from $180,000.00 to <br />$36,000.00, or from a cost of demolition of 60 houses to 12 houses. He said in the <br />current year's budget for code enforcement, the abatement of high weeds and grass and <br />dilapidated houses were funded from the miscellaneous account in the Fire <br />Department's budget, for which $283,000.00 was budgeted. One of the code officers <br />was also paid out of this account. City Manager Malone advised that the city is using <br />prisoners from the Bonham State Jail and they can remove a house in about four to five <br />days at a savings of $3,000.00. City Manager Malone said they had originally <br />budgeted $100,000.00 in the account for lot mowing, but it was now reduced to <br />$60,000.00. <br />The City Manager advised that the Motor Vehicle account had $42,000.00 budgeted <br />for two vehicles for the code enforcement, and that had been cutout completely. <br />After discussion was had regarding this department, no action was taken by the City <br />Council. <br />There being no further business, Mayor Pfiester declared the meeting closed. <br />