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Special City Council Meetrng <br />August 21, 2001 <br />Page 5 <br />$1,600.00. <br />Under the capital outlay accounts, Chief Louis discussed the need for three chairs to <br />be used in the Services/Communications Division at a cost of $3,600.00. He said there <br />was a need for a new filing system for CID/Criminal Records Division Identification <br />Room, which is sirnilar to the filing system they have in the Records Division in the <br />amount of $6,000.00. He also requested an additional animal control officer and a one- <br />half ton pickup for this division. Chief Louis also discussed with the City Council the <br />need for ten emergency weather sirens at a cost of $22,000.00 each, and one slide in <br />module for the additional animal control pickup truck. <br />Chief Louis advised that their provider for the computer aided dispatch equipment that <br />they had purchased and were in process of implementing had gone bankrupt. He was <br />unable to complete the full implementation in their records management system and <br />computerized patrol operations. He said they had looked at various options and it is <br />his belief that it is in the city's best interest to purchase a new system. The cost for the <br />Police Department's portion for a new system would be approximately $120,000.00. <br />Chief Louis did advise that there is a possibility that some people working for the <br />bankrupt company have started their own business and they are going to take a look at <br />what has been set up and see if there is anyway they can make it work. If this can be <br />done it may only cost $50,000.0 to $60,000.00; and there is a Local Law Enforcement <br />Block Grant that they have applied for the computer aided dispatch in the amount of <br />$65,000.00. It is his plan to try and make this work and use this money for this project. <br />City Manager Malone advised that $102,000.00 was placed in this capital line item and <br />there is a grant in the amount of $65,000.00, and there is an expenditure in the budget <br />for this portion from the grant. He said that $30,000.00 was budgeted in the Fire <br />Department budget for their share and $30,000.00 was originally budgeted in the <br />Emergency Medical Service, which was cut from the Emergency Medical Service's <br />budget. <br />At 7:50 P. M. Mayor Pfiester announced that the City Council would take a short <br />break. <br />Mayor Pfiester reconvened the meeting at 8:10 P. M. <br />City Manager Malone announced that the next department for consideration would be <br />