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Special City Council Meetrng <br />August 21, 2001 <br />Page 4 <br />$15,000.00, and this is his third priority. City Manager Malone told the City Council <br />that one of the things that has affected overtime in the past is that we have had some <br />grants come through HUD for patrolling the Housing Authority properties and the city <br />is not going to receive a grant this year, so there is no corresponding revenue to off-set <br />the money that would be spent patrolling the Housing Authority. There was discussion <br />regarding the use of grants that the city has received and how those funds were utilized <br />and the possibility of grants for this coming year. <br />Chief Louis told the City Council that the police officers are essential because <br />geographically the city has increased 30% due to the annexations. He said we have a <br />commitment to responding to emergencies in the newly annexed area. His feeling was <br />if they do not do anything else, they have got to have those four officers. Another thing <br />that caused the accumulation of overtime was ten openings during this fiscal year, and <br />staffing shifts with ten men missing increases the cost. He felt that if they could get <br />fully staffed and maintain the personnel that they could reduce the overtime. Chief <br />Louis said, not counting traffic stops, they responded to 36,000 calls last year, and <br />2,600 arrests. <br />Two more audio/video cameras need to be in place before January 1, 2002 because the <br />Racial Profile Act has passed the legislature. If this is accomplished, the department <br />will be fully ready to implement that policy. Chief Louis said that if they do not get the <br />cameras, they will have to go to a manual individual record keeping system, which will <br />cost more that the $10,000.00 that is being requested for this equipment. <br />City Manager Malone advised the City Council that $43,700.00 had been removed <br />from the Machinery-Tools-and Equipment account in the Police Department. From the <br />budget request, Chief Louis has requested that two Audio/Video Cameras for patrol <br />units as mandated by legislation in the amount of $10,000.00; 1,000 video tapes for <br />recording stops per racial profiling in the amount of $3,000.00; 14 digital cameras for <br />Patrol, CID and Anitnal Control in the amount of $7,000.00; $1,000.00 for purchase <br />of floppy disks for the digital cameras; one time lapse VCR for CID/Narcotics Division <br />in the amount of $1,100.00; one duplexing scanner for the new LaserFische system in <br />the amount of $8,000.00; one commercial automatic transfer switch for EOC in the <br />amount of $6,000.00; two computers for Narcotics Division in the amount of <br />$2,000.00; three workstations, computer and hook-up for new animal control facility <br />in the amount of $8,100.00; and one heavy duty paper shredder in the amount of <br />