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Regular City Council Meeting <br />December 6, 2001 <br />Page 4 <br />future, they may need additional parking. Mr. Gibbs pointed out that this lot goes <br />through to Fort Street, which is zoned Commercial. <br />Steve Methven, Chief Building Official, advised that the Commercial zoning is <br />Forth Street north and the south side of Fort Street is zoned Multiple-Family. <br />Mayor Pfiester called for opponents to appear, and Joe Collins, 731 E. Austin, <br />appeared before the City Council, advising that he has lived at this location for <br />almost fifty years. Mr. Collins said he was appearing in opposition to the petition <br />stating that he was not sure what the zoning change would do to his property, <br />which is located next door. Mr. Collins stated that he was interested in purchasing <br />the property but the Realtor was not very helpful. Another concern of Mr. Collins <br />was that it was going to be used as parking lot, but later this can been changed. <br />He also felt this was a historical home. Mr. Collins stated he did not want to be <br />an island in an asphalt sea, and this was his main concern. <br />Carolyn Wenchell, Agent for the property, came forward stating that she is the <br />listing agent and no one called in and placed a bid other than Mr. Gibbs. She said <br />the owner of the property, Mr. Gheen, is interested in making the sale. Ms. <br />Wenchell pointed out that this house has not been maintained for historical <br />purposes and there has not been anything restored in the house and it is not a <br />historical home. <br />Mr. Collins responded by stating that he called the number on the sign in front of <br />this house and the person did tell him these things. <br />No one else appeared, and the public hearing was declared closed. <br />Mayor Pfiester called for consideration of and action on an ordinance amending <br />Zoning Ordinance No. 1710, changing the zoning from a Multiple-Family <br />Dwelling District no. 1(MF'-1) to an Office District (O) on Lot 5, City Block 109, <br />located at 717 E. Austin Street. <br />After discussion, a motion was made by Mayor Pro Tem Manning, seconded by <br />