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1.01 GENERAL <br />A. Each Work Order shall provide for one-time specific demolition required by CITY for <br />property management and enforcement on a specified property. Exact demolition <br />specifics shall be provided in each Work Order. <br />B. CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for the safety of personnel and operations. <br />CONTRACTOR shall provide appropriate safety warnings for the protection of the work <br />area. Provision of safety includes use of appropriate barricades, traffic control, control of <br />the use of equipment near traffic or pedestrians, and provision of other controls and <br />warnings as needed or as specified by the Work Order. <br />C. Because time is of the essence in the filing of liens after demolition, Work Orders should <br />be returned to CITY immediately upon completion of demolition. Work Orders will not <br />be considered CONTRACTOR'S bills they are used solely for the purpose of advising <br />CONTRACTOR of the nature of work necessary at each location and for assisting CITY in <br />filing liens. <br />1.02 DEMOLITION <br />A. Demolition shall include the removal of onlv those exact items specifically set out in the <br />Work Order. <br />B. Overall safety and adverse impact to the neighborhood shall be considered a priority. <br />CONTRACTOR shall provide demolition within hours which are reasonable to the <br />conditions of the neighborhood, be cognizant and make provisions to control excessive <br />dust, and secure the area for the overall safety of operations as is defined within these <br />Specifications. CONTRACTOR shall not leave the work site when portions of a structure <br />or other items are in a dangerous condition. Such conditions may require posting a guard <br />or continuing the demolition until the condition is relieved. <br />C. Demolition shall follow good construction practices. It is the intent of CITY to remove <br />the standing hazard as quickly as possible, and CONTRACTOR should attempt to satisfy <br />this. This may involve the processes of pushing, breaking, or otherwise reducing standing <br />components into a pile or piles of debris. <br />Any form and method of demolition will be accepted as long as it conforms to good <br />practice, the method is safe, CONTRACTOR has a history of successful applications, and <br />the method is relative to a particular job provided by the Specifications. CITY reserves <br />the right to forbid a specific method when CONTRACTOR is inexperienced, is wishing to <br />try experimental techniques or practices, or is proposing a technique which is dangerous to <br />the surrounding neighborhood. <br />D. Equipment and tools left on the property are the responsibility of CONTRACTOR. CITY <br />shall not be responsible for theft, damage, or adverse use of the equipment. <br />r� <br />