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E. Mature and protected trees found on a property shall be protected. CONTRACTOR shall <br />work around the tree carefully to prevent damage to the tree and its root system. Sapling <br />trees and sprouts may be removed only if they are found in a path needed for access to the <br />structure. <br />1.03 TRASH AND RUBBISH REMOVAL BY CONTRACTOR <br />A. Additional waste material shall be removed from the property and disposed of by <br />CONTRACTOR only if specified in a Work Order. CONTRACTOR shall not deviate <br />from the Specifications, shall not utilize waste removal processes that are contrary to good <br />practices or State law, and shall not utilize removal of waste to an unapproved site location. <br />Proof of nroner disposal of all waste materials, including demolition debris, must be <br />submitted upon completion bv qroviding the CITY with aqproved landfill tickets at <br />the time of monthly billing. <br />B. CITY reserves the right to recycle prior to or during actual demolition. This may include <br />removing useable structural elements, removing or separating furnishings, shingles, and <br />other waste components. This will be done by CITY at its expense prior to issuance of a <br />Work Order. <br />C. CITY reserves the right to approve any method for controlling and removing the waste. <br />This may involve using on-site containers, grinding the material to reduce the waste, or <br />providing that CONTRACTOR transport the waste to a City and TCEQ approved landfill. <br />Bidders should specify intent and include the cost of such disposal method in its Bid. <br />D. Junk, trash, and rubbish type material shall be removed from property only when <br />specifically provided by the Work Order. All such material shall be disposed of properly <br />at a sanitary landfill or as otherwise specified. <br />E. Minar litter shall be cleaned and removed as a part of the total bid on any project. <br />This type of work shall include the removal of any debris by any means and shall be <br />removed as is necessary utilizing hand work or the use of machinery. <br />Special attention shall be made to remove small articles, stone, metal, wire, and other <br />similar objects which could become a hazard if thrown by a shredder or mower. <br />F. Properties which have rubbish or waste which requires special handling may have specific <br />instructions for the removal and/or disposal of the material provided in the Work Order. <br />G. CONTRACTOR shall use equipment that is suitable for the work to be performed and the <br />time constraints of the bid. <br />1.04 LEVELING, FILLING, AND GENERAL BLADE WORK <br />� <br />