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9. The proposed plan of the subdivision shall be shown, including all proposed streets and their <br />names, right-of-ways, alleys, easements, blocks, lots, building lines, parks, etc., with principal <br />dimensions. Blocks shall be lettered and Lots shall be numbered. <br />10. A designation of the proposed uses of land within the <br />subdivision, that is the zoning that is requested. <br />11. If the proposed subdivision is a portion of a tract, which is later to be subdivided in its entirety, <br />then a tentative master plat of the entire subdivision shall be submitted with the preliminary plat <br />of the portion first to be subdivided. The master plat shall conform in all respects to the <br />requirements of the preliminary plat; except, it may be on a scale of not more than one (1) inch to <br />four hundred (400) feet. <br />12. The proposed improvements and utilities to be <br />constructed in the subdivision shall be set forth on the <br />preliminary plat over the subdivider's signature. <br />13. The following notice shall be placed on the face of each preliminary plat by the subdivider, <br />"Preliminary Plat for inspection Purpose Only". <br />14. The following certificates shall be placed on the preliminary plat: <br />Approved for Preparation of Final Plat <br />15. Street extensions if applicable. <br />16. Minimum 25' R.O.W. from centerline of road in front of plat. Label the ROW width and <br />distance from the roadway centerline to the property line. The standard street is 39-feet wide <br />and has a 60-foot right-of-way. <br />17. Additional Easement for R.O.W. widening, utilities, etc. <br />18. All lots will have water and sewer service installed by <br />developer. <br />19. Fire protection according to Code. <br />Comments: <br />A preliminary plat will not be accepted without the following items: Nineteen (19) large copies (18"x <br />24" or 24"x 36"), seven (7) small copies (8-'/z"x 11") and the filling fee which is five dollars ($5.00) per <br />preliminary plat plus fifty cents ($0.50) per lot. The filing deadline is ten (10) days prior to the Planning <br />& Zoning meeting, which is the first Monday of every month. <br />Reviewed by: <br />8� <br />Date <br />