Laserfiche WebLink
Name of Subdivision: <br />Owner: <br />Date final plat received: <br />F1NAL PLAT REVIEW <br />Engineer: Surveyor: <br />Date preliminary plat signed by P& Z Chairman: <br />DATE COMMENT <br />Required information shown on plat: <br />1. The name or names of the owner and subdivider. <br />2. The name of the licensed land surveyor or registered professional engineer preparing the plat. <br />3. The name of the proposed subdivision and adjacent subdivision <br />4. The names of streets (to conform whenever possible to existing street names). <br />5. The numbers of lots and blocks, in accordance with a systematic arrangement. <br />6. North point, date, acreage being subdivided, and scale. All plats shall be on a scale of one (1) inch <br />equals one hundred (100) feet, and on sheets measuring 18" x 24". <br />7. An accurate boundary survey of the property, with bearings and distances referenced to survey <br />lines and established subdivisions, with complete and accurate field notes of said boundaries. The <br />lines, with dimensions, of all adjacent lands and the lines, with dimensions, of adjacent streets, <br />alleys and easements, in adjacent subdivisions shall be shown in dashed lines. <br />�% <br />