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City Council Minutes <br />January 14, 2002 <br />Page 4 <br />determine the availability of workers and will also be conducting a Wage and <br />Benefit Survey in the area. The Wage and Benefit Survey will be done with the <br />help of Economic Development Services located in Irving who will actually <br />conduct the survey. Mr. Vest said all of the industries in Paris will receive <br />copies of the survey, so they will know what the norm and average is in the <br />community. <br />Mr. Vest informed the Council that on February 20th through the 22nd, he will <br />be taking a trip to San Diego, California, to attend a meeting of a group called <br />Market Texas. There will be about twenty-five communities from Texas going <br />and they will be hosting luncheons, a couple of receptions, and meetings to talk <br />to bio-med/bio-tech companies in that area. <br />Mr. Vest said on February 28th, there will be a presentation by Mr. Wall to the <br />Texas Department of Transportation Commission for the East Texas Green <br />Carpet Route to try to get funding for the four lanes for the Green Carpet Route <br />on Highway 271 between Paris and Mt. Pleasant. Mr. Vest encouraged the <br />Council Members to attend the presentation. <br />Mr. Vest said that Eric will be going with Paris Junior College to the Jewelry <br />Manufacturers Trade Show in New York. <br />Mr. Vest told the City Council that hopefully PEDC will get something going <br />on the development of the Northwest Industrial District in conj unction with the <br />Paris Industrial Foundation. <br />Mr. Vest said in the packet there was provided a list of sales tax cities <br />throughout the state and he felt the City Council might like to see what is out <br />there. This list shows what the population of the community is and how much <br />they collect. Mr. Vest thanked the Council and concluded his presentation, <br />asking if there were any questions. There were none. <br />City Manager Malone advised that included in the agenda packet were minutes <br />