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City Council Minutes <br />January 14, 2002 <br />Page 9 <br />cost of operating the system is shared on a 60%/40% of the shortfall basis. He <br />said this is the cost of the system. The funding for this ambulance has to come <br />from outside the EMS budget, if not, it has to come from inside the budget. <br />City Manager Malone told the City Council that the payment for the new <br />ambulance would come from the budget of the EMS department and that if the <br />city does not get $15,000.00 credit for the trade-in and the city expends the <br />funds to purchase the new ambulance totally out of the EMS Department, then <br />giving the used vehicle to the Red Cross would result in a split of 60%/40% <br />between the City and the County as per the agreement. <br />Mayor Pfiester called for a show of hands as to who wants some type monetary <br />return from the Red Cross. It was the consensus of the City Council for the <br />Red Cross to give $5,000.00 towards the cost of the ambulance. <br />Ms. McAlister agreed to give the amount of $5,000.00 from the Red Cross. <br />Council discussed taking the funds from the City Council's budget verses the <br />EMS budget. <br />Mayor Pfiester asked for a show of hands to have the funds for the ambulance <br />to come from the ambulance contract. The consensus was for the funds to <br />come from inside the ambulance contract. Councilman Bell and Councilman <br />Plata felt the funds should come from outside the ambulance budget. <br />Resolution No. 20002-002, declaring as surplus property one (1) Model Year <br />1997 Ford F350 Type 1 Ambulance; finding a public need and necessity in <br />transferring said surplus property to the Lamar County Chapter ofthe American <br />Red Cross; accepting a donation from the Lamar County Chapter of the <br />American Red Cross; approving a request from Lamar County for contribution <br />of said ambulance to the Red Cross; authorizing payment of the remaining <br />value of said ambulance as a trade-in towards the purchase of a new ambulance <br />in accordance with the current ambulance contract with Lamar County; making <br />