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COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT NO. ATC020223 <br />° Disclosure. <br />(I) The Contncmr who rcquesu or racivu from an agency a Fcderal contract shall file with that agency a disciosum form, OMB standard fortn <br />LLL, Disclosure of Lobbying Activities, if such permn has made or has agrced to make any payment using nonappropriated fumis (m irrclude pmfils (mm any <br />covercd Federal action). which would be pmhibitcd under subpangnph (b)(1) of Uiis clause, if paid for with appropriated fuWS. <br />(2) The Canuactor shall file a disclosurc form at the end of each caleiWar quaner in which there occurs any event that mamriaily afkcu the accuracy <br />of the infonnazion contain<d in any discloturt form prcviously filed by such person urNer subparagraph (c)(q of ihis claus<. An event thu mamrially affects the <br />accuracy of the information reponed inciudes- <br />(q A cumuiativc increasc of 525,000 or morc in the amount paid or expccted m 6e paid for influencing or attempting m inlluence a covered Fedeni <br />action; or <br />(ii) A change in the person(s) or individual(s) influencing or anemptine ro in0uence a covered FeJeral or action; ar <br />(iii) A change in the offi<er(s), emDloyee(t), or hlemhers(s) contactcd m in0uence or anempt to influence a covercd Federal action. . <br />(3) The Conuactor shail require the submiaal of a ttrtification, and if required, a diulosurc (orm by any pcrson who requesu or receives any <br />su6contract excecding $100,000 uMer the Fedcral wncnct. <br />(4) All sub<onlracmr disclasurc fomu (but not certiGcations) shall he forwarded (rom tiv m tier uNil received by the prime Convacmc The prime <br />Contnctor shall submi[ all disclosures m ihe Convazting Officer at the eM of the caleMar quaner in which the disclosure fortn is suhmi¢ed by the subcomncror. <br />Each subcontracmr crtification shall be rctained in the subcomrect file ot the awuding Comracror. <br />(d) ayrcemenL The Conltacwr agrees m[ m make any paymrnt prohibittd by this clause. <br />(e) Prnalties. <br />(I) Any person who makes an expendimre pmhibitcd under paragnph (a) of this clause or who fails lo file or amend the disclosum fartn m be filcd or <br />amendM by paraeraph (b) of Ihis clause shall be subjttt w civil penalties as provided for by 31 U.S.C.1352. An imposition of a civil penaity does not prevrnt the <br />Governmart from seeking any othcr rcmedy iha[ may be applicable. <br />(2) Cantracrors may rely without liabiliry on 1h< reprcsrntazion made by their subconlractoro in the c<rtification aitd dis<losurc Portn. <br />(D Cost allowability. Nothing in this clause makes allowable or rcasonabte any costs which would athcrwise be unallowable or unreuonabla Convers<ly, coets <br />made specifcally unallowable by the requimmenis in this clause wiil not be made allowa6le uMer any other pmvision. <br />CERTIFICATION REGARDING DEBARMENT, SUSPENSION, AND OTHER <br />RESPONSIBILITY MATTERS--PRIMARY COVERED TRANSACTIONS (MAR <br />1996) <br />Instmctions Por Certifimtian <br />1. By signing and submirting this proposal, Ihe pmspcctivc Drimary <br />paticipmt is providing the certificuion set out below. <br />2. The inability of a p<rson to provide the certification required below will <br />not ne<essarily rcsult in denial af participuion in the coverN trensasian. <br />7Te prospm(ive puticipant shall submit an explanation of why it cannot <br />pmviJe the certificalion set out below. The ttnification ar ezplanation <br />will b< considered in connection with Ihe deputnxm or agency's <br />determiweion whelher to enter inlo Ihis tnntaction. However, hilure o( <br />the prospcctive primary panicipant to Pomish a cenification or an <br />explawtian shall disqualify such person from participa(ion in this <br />Iransaclion. <br />3. Th<ttrtifialion in this Nause is a mamrial representation of (act upon <br />which reliance was pla<M when the deparlmeN or aEency detertnined m <br />enler inm this transaclion. If it is la¢r determined Ihat the pmsptttiv< <br />primary participant knowingly reMered an ermneous ttrtifiwtion, in <br />addition to other remedies available to the Federai Gavernnwnt, the <br />deparunrnt or a¢ercy may terminale Ihis tnnsaction Por ause of defaWt. <br />4. The prospective primary participant shall pmvide immedim< written <br />nolice to the deparun<nt or ag<ncy ro whom Ihis proposal is submitied if at <br />any time the prospwtive primary participant learfu Nat its certification was <br />erronmus when submitted or has becom< etronmus by rcason af chmgeJ <br />circumsnntts. <br />5. 'Ihe lerms 'eovered Innsa<tion,' 'debarrcd," *suspeM<d,' <br />'inelieible,* "lower ti<r cov<rcd ttansaction,* "participan[,' 'p<rson,' <br />'primary covercd Iransaction,' "principal: 'praposal,' anW'voluntarily <br />eacluded,' as used in this clause, hav< the meanings set out in the <br />D<finiliont and Coverage stttione of the rvles implem<ming Enttutive <br />Ord<r 12549. You may conlatt N< deparunem or apercy lo which this <br />praposal is being aubmi[tcd for assisWnce in obtainin¢ a copy of ihose <br />regulations. <br />6. The pmspectivc primary panicipant agrees by submi¢ing this proposal <br />that, shauld the proposeJ covcred Imnsaction be emered into, it shall no[ <br />knowingly rnter into any law<r lier covercd tnnsaction wiih a person who <br />is debarred, suspcMed, declued in<ligible, or volunurily excluded (rom <br />participaiion in this covered Ransazoion, unlus authorized by the <br />depanmrn[ or agrncy entering into lhis tnmaction. <br />7. Th<prospective primary parlicipant Porther ayrecs by submit[ing this <br />propasal thu it will include the Amse litled'Certifiwtion Regardiny <br />Debumrnt, $uspension, Ineligibiliry ofd Volunury Ezclusion-Lower Tier <br />Cov<red Tnnsaction,' providcd by the depanment ar agency inb Ihis <br />covercd Iransaction, without modification, in all iower lier covercd <br />transactions and in all solicitatiortt for lower tier covercd trentactions. <br />8. A puticipant in a covercd tnmaclion may rely upon a certifintion of a <br />prospeaive panicipant in a lower lier cavered Innsaclion thal il is trot <br />deborred, suspended, ineligibl<, or volunurily ezcluded from the covered <br />trantactian, unless it knows Ihaz the cenification is ermnmus. A <br />puti<ipant may dc<ide the method aM frequrncy by which it dctermines <br />the eligibiliry of ios prin<ipais. Each participant may, bW is not required <br />m, check the Nanprocurement List (202-063J278). <br />9. Nolhing connincd in the foregoing shail be eonsuued to require <br />esWblishment af a system of rccords in order m r<Mer in good failh the <br />artification required by Ihis clause. The knawl<dee and informa[ion of a <br />participam is not required m en<eed Ihal which is normally poxussed by a <br />prudenl person in the ordinary course of business deaiings. 10. En<ept for tnnsaction authorized under pangraph 6 of [hese <br />inswctions, i( a Oarti<ipant in a covercd transaction knowingly rnmrs into <br />a iow<r tier cavered Iransaaion wiih a permn who is auspended, debarred, <br />ineliyible, or volunurily exciuded trom participation in this tnmaction, in <br />addition to oth<r remedies availabie m the FMenl Goverrvnene, the <br />deparunent or agnrcy mry termimte ihis Innuction for nuse or default. <br />28 <br />