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COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT NO. ATC020223 <br />C<rtificuion Regarding Debafmmt, Suspension, arid Other <br />Responsibiliry Maners-Primary Covered Tranaactioas <br />(q The pwspective primary participmt rertifes m the best of ics <br />knowlcdge and belicf, Ihat it and its principals: <br />(a) Are not prcsmtly debarred, suspended, propostd fot <br />dc6armem, Aeclarcd incliSible, or volun(arily excluded (rom coverM <br />« muactians by any Federal depanment or agency: <br />(b) Have not wilhin a Ihree-year period prcttAing lhis <br />proposal b<en convicteC or had a civil judgmenl r<ndemd against them for <br />commission of fnud or a<riminal offmse in connation wilh obWining, <br />anempiing m obtain, or performing a public (Federal. State. or locap <br />transaaion or canvacl uMer a pu6lic onnaaction; vioiation of Federal or <br />Swte antitmst stawms or eommission of emb<zzlement, fheft, Porgery, <br />bribery, (al:ifica(ion or datru<[ion af rcmrds, making false suttments, or <br />receiving stolen pmpeny; <br />° Are wt presently iMicted for or otherwise criminally or <br />civilly charged by a governmental entiry (Fcderal, Sute ar lo<ap with <br />commission of any of the offenses enumen[ed in paragraph (q(b) of this <br />certificalion: arM <br />(d) Have mt within a Ihreeytar period praeding this <br />applicatioNproposal had one or more public uansaziion (F<dernl, State or <br />Iwal) terminated for cause or default. <br />(2) Where the prospective primary pmicipam is uwble lo eertify to any of <br />the stattmerns in this certifintion, such pmspective panicipmt shall atuch <br />an ezplanation to Ihis proposal. <br />k. CERTIFICATION REGARDING DRUG-FREE WORKPLACE <br />REQUIREMENTS <br />Instmctions for Certification <br />1. By signing and/or submining this applicalion or grant agreemeN, the granttt is providing th<c<rtification set out below. <br />2. The certifiwtian xl ow below is a mamrial representazion of fan upon which reliance is placed when the agmcy awards the grant. If it is Imer determined that <br />the grantce knowinSlY rcnde¢d a false ttrtification, or otherwise violams the rcquimments o(the Drug-Free Workplace An, the a6enry, in addition to any other <br />remcdies available l0 the Pederal Govenunrnt, nmy uke action authorized under the Drug-Free Wurkplxe Act. <br />3. For gramecs other tWn individuals, Alternat< 1 applies. <br />4. For grantees who are individuais, AI¢rnate 11 applies. <br />5. Workplaces uMer grants, far granttes other than individuals, n<cd mt be identified on the « rti(ication. If known, they may be identified in the grant <br />application. If the granme does not identify the workplaces at Ih<time of application, or upon award, it there is no applicazion, ihe Erantee must keep the idenlity <br />af the workplace(s) onlile in its office and make ihe information available for Fcderai inspection. PoiNm lo identify all knawn workplaces constilutes a violation <br />of the grantec's drvg-free workplace rcquircments. <br />6. Workplace identi0cadons must include the acwal addrcss o( building (or puu of buildings) or aiher sites where work wWer the grant takes plaze. Cattgorical <br />descripiions may be usM (e.g., all vehicies of mass transit authoriry or Sute highway deparunent while in operatian, SWte employees in each local unemploymrnt <br />offce, perfarmers im mnccrl halls or radio studias). <br />7. If the workplace iJentified to the agcnry changes during the pcrformance of 1h<grant, the graNec shall infomi the agency of the <hmge(s), if the previously <br />idmtified the wurkplaces in question (see paragraph five). S. Dcfinitions of Icrms in tlie Nonpmwrement Suspnuion and Debalmmt common rule and Drug-Free Workplace comman mle apply to this cenifin(ion. <br />Gnnttes' attrntion is nlled, in panicWaq lo the following definitions from these rules: <br />Com Itcd substance means a contmlled subswnce in Schcdul<s 1 thrnugh V of the Commlled Subseances Act (21 U.S.C. 812) and as furLher defined <br />by reguia(ion (21 CFR 1308.11 through 1308.15): <br />Convictio means a finding o( ¢uilt (inciuding a plea o( noio conlnWere) or impasition of sentence, or bolh, by any judicial body char¢cd with the <br />respansibility lo decermine violmions of the Fedenl or Su1e <riminal dmg aumus; <br />Cr'minai drue statum mmns a Fcderai or nomFcderai cr'uniml sumte involviny the manufaaure, distribution, dispensing, use, or possession of any <br />controlled subslance; <br />Emolavice mwns the employee of a grem<e directly <nga¢ed in the performan<e of work uMer a grant, including: (p All dirmt charge employees; <br />(ii) AII indirect <haree empioy<es unless Iheit impact or involvement is irttignificam m th<peiPotmame of the granl; anW, (iii) Temponry personnel afd <br />comulwms who are directly engaECd in the performance of work under the gnnt aM who are an the ynntee's paymil. This definition does not include workers <br />not on the payroll of the grant<e (e.g., volunmers, even If used ta meet a matching requiremem; consuilanu or iMeperdrnt contnaors not on the gnntee's <br />payroll; or employtes of subrttipienu or subcontracmrs in covercd wortplacuJ <br />Ccnificaiion Regardiny Drug-Pree <br />Workplace Requiremenls <br />Alternale 1. (Gnmees Oiher Than Individuals) <br />A. The granme certifies Ihat it will or will concinu< co pmvide a drug-tree <mployees abom- <br />warkpiace by: (I) 7Ta dangers of drvy abuse in the workpiace; <br />(a) Pu6lishing a stalement iwtifying emploYees lhat the unlawPol (2) The granme's policy of mainuininY a drvg-free <br />manufac[ure, distribution, Aispensing, possession, or use of a contmlied workplace; <br />subsnn<e is prohibited in the erant<e's warkplace and specifyiny the (J) Any availabie druY counuiiny, rehabililalion, end <br />actiofu Ihat will be uken against employees for violatian af such employee assislance proyrarns; and <br />prohibitian; (4) The penaleia that may be imposcd upon employ<es Por <br />(b) EsWbiishing an ongoing druy-trec awaren<ss prognm to intortn drug abuse violatians occurring in the workplacc; <br />29 <br />