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Mr. Shawn Napier <br />January 17, 2013 <br />Page 2 <br />Desig�l En 'ni�g <br />• Prepare and submit a preliminary paving plan that incorporates the topogra.phic survey, and <br />shows the existing right-of-way, curb and gutter replacement limits, and potential franchise <br />utility relocations. A Summary of Sheets is provided as Elchibit C, which lists the <br />anticipated plans that will be prepared by G&A for this project. <br />• Coordinate with the geotechnical engineer to determine a proposed pavement section subject <br />to City approval. <br />• Prepare and submit 60% preliminary review plans and address City comments. <br />• Prepare and submit 90% review plans and bid documents, address City comments and <br />submit fmal sealed construction plans and bid documents. <br />• Prepare and update an Opinion of Probable Construction Cost at each milestone submittal <br />during the design process. <br />Bidding and Construction <br />• G&A will provide the City with up to 20 sets of plans and bid documents. Addenda will <br />also be provided to the City as needed. The City will issue the plans, bid documents and <br />addenda to the contractor. <br />• Attend pre-bid and pre-construction conferences at the City and furnish up to 10 sets of <br />for-construction plans and documents for the City and the successful contractor. <br />• Attend the bid opening, tabulate bids and prepare a letter of recommendation to the City <br />for awarding a contract. <br />• Review contractor submittals. <br />• Respond to contractor or City questions during construction. <br />• Process monthly contractor pay requests. <br />• Prepare hard copy and digital record drawings based on marked-up plans to be furnished <br />by the contractor. <br />Special Services <br />'• Assist the City with obtaining a pernut from TxDOT to replace the 6�' Street pavement at <br />the intersections of Lamar Avenue (Westbound U:S. 82) and Clarksville Street <br />(Eastbound U.S. 82) and to relocate traffic signal conduit if required. <br />• A fee for additional services or unforeseen items has been provided. Additional services <br />may include engineering and surveying associated with the following: <br />- Realigning 24"' Street at Polk and providing associated right-of-way documents. <br />- Replacing the flume with a curb and gutter along the Paris Junior College stadium <br />parking lot and coordinating parking lot modifications with the College. <br />- Providing easement or right-of-way documents for the new sidewalk. <br />- Site visits during construction. <br />Assumptions <br />• The existing water and sanitary sewer lines within the project limits will not be replaced <br />as directed by the City. <br />• The City has indicated that there are no underground storm drainage facilities present <br />within the project limits. Significant alterations or improvements to the surface drainage <br />