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gT7ILDING9 AND BVILDING REGLILP+TIONS <br />builder ahould receive a copY of the installer's <br />inapection report. The installer shall observe the <br />following eafety precautione: <br />(1) A minimum cleerance of three (3) inches <br />should be maintained around elllouvers. <br />(2) A minimum clearance of three (3) inchea <br />shall be provided around and above recessed <br />light fixtures. Such clearance shall be main- <br />tained by the installation of a collar which <br />is fire-resiative. <br />(3) Gas or electric heating units which are <br />mounted on ceiling joists ahall be protected <br />by the inataltation of one-eighth-inch cement <br />asbestos board which will extend one (1) <br />foot W either eide ofthe unit <br />(4) Expased chimneY flue tiles shall be protected <br />by a collar giving six (6) inches air apace <br />clearance. <br />(5) Gas heater and water heater vent pipea <br />shall be protected with a fire-resistive col- <br />lar giving a minimum of three (3) inches <br />airflow space. <br />(Code 1970, $ 7-22; Ord. No. 2379, $ 1, 3-13-78) <br />3ea 7-25. Same-Licensing of inelallers. <br />Any person desiring to install insulation must <br />be approved by the t'ire marshai of the City to do <br />so. Any person wishing to appeal a decisian of the <br />fire marshal with regard to licensing may appeal <br />by requesting a hearing beforn the city council at <br />its next regular, scheduled meating. There shall <br />be no ]icenaing fee requirement. <br />(Code 1970, 3 7-23; Ord. No. 2379, 5 1, 3•13-78) <br />Sec. 7-28. Same-Permit. <br />Any pereon licensed to install insulation mate- <br />rials may prceure from the department of com- <br />munity development an inaulation permit, which <br />will includa the following: <br />(1) Location; <br />(2) Type and uae of etructure; <br />(3) Type of insuiation; <br />(4) Amount of insuiation. <br />(Code 1970, $ 7-24; Qrd. No. 2379, 11, 3-13-78) <br />SuPP. No. 20 <br />4 z•47 <br />See, 7.27, 8ame-3ections 7-22 through 7-28 <br />declared Part of huilding code: Pen- <br />alty for violation. <br />Sectioas 7-22 through 7-26 are a part of the <br />building code of the City, and any peraon violat- <br />ing the provisiona of such sections shall be pun- <br />ished es provided in section A107 of the cale <br />adopted by this article, as such section is amended <br />in section 7-18 ofthis chapter. <br />(Code 1970, 3 7-25; Ord. No. 2382, 3 1, 4-10-78) <br />9ece. 7-28-7-46. Reserved. <br />ARTICLE III. HAZARDOUS BUILDINfiiS <br />Sec_ 746. Definitiona. <br />Ae used in Lhia article: <br />Committx shall mean the building hazard in• <br />spection committee created by aec[ion 7-47. <br />Owner ahall mean any owner, cecupant, ►essee <br />or other person having any internst in any build- <br />ing being investigated under this article, whether <br />one (1) or more and regardless of actual interest <br />in such buitding. <br />(Cade 1970, § 7-30) <br />G4osa referenee-Detinitiore and rulee of mnscruction gen- <br />erally, 4 13. <br />Sea 7-47. Inspection committee created; pur- <br />pose and composition of committee. <br />There ia hereby created a huilding hazerd in- <br />specEion committee to be an agency and instru- <br />mentality of the City to sid and assist the City in <br />the protection of the lives and pmperty of its cit- <br />izena under its charter powers. Such committee <br />ahall conaiet of the city engineer, the city chieF of <br />Lhe Gre department and the chief building ofli- <br />cial. In the abaence of the city engineer, or at any <br />time he is unable to act, the director of public <br />works mqy act in hia place. In the absence of the <br />chief of the Gre department, or at any time he is <br />unable to ad, Ehe asaistant chief of the fre de- <br />partment may act in his piace. In the abaence of <br />the chief building official, or at any time he is <br />unable to act, the tax collector may act in his <br />place. <br />(Code 1970, § 7•31; Ord. No. 2215, G 1, 3•10•75; <br />Ord. No. 84-004, § 1, 1-9•84; Ord. No. 95-008, § 1, <br />i-9-95) <br />GYoes refsronee-Adminiatration generally, Ch. 2. <br />489 <br />