§ 7.48
<br />PARi$ CODE
<br />Sec. 7-48. Motion of council directing in-
<br />vestigation.
<br />Whenever the city council shall receive infor-
<br />mation that any building situated within the City
<br />constitutes a serious fire hazard to life and prop-
<br />erty due to the cvnstruction of the building or its
<br />use or occupancy, or due to any other condition
<br />whatsoever, or that a building is dllapidated or
<br />dangerous W life and properky, the city council
<br />shall, by motion, direct the committee to investi-
<br />gate such huilding, report the facts Cound by it,
<br />and make recommendations thereon.
<br />(Code 1970, § 7•32)
<br />Sec. 749. Notice of hearing.
<br />Upon the passage ot the motion referred to in
<br />section 7118, the committee shall forthwith set a
<br />time, date, and place for the holding of a hearing
<br />and inspection of the building. It shall give the
<br />owner of the buiiding notice, in writing by United
<br />States mail, of the time, date, snd place of such
<br />hearing, and the purpose of such hearing, at least
<br />forty-eight (48) hours prior to the date fixed for
<br />such hearing. Such notice shall inform the owner
<br />that he has a right to be present at such hearing
<br />and to examine or crossexamine witnesses. If the
<br />owner is unknown or cannot be found in the City,
<br />the cammittee shall cause such notice to be given
<br />by advertising the same in a newapaper published
<br />within the Citv at least two (2) timea, the firat
<br />publication to be at least ten (10) days prior to the
<br />date of the hearing. Such notice may be signed by
<br />any member of the committee or by the city clerk.
<br />(Code 1970, 5 7•33)
<br />Sec. 7-50. Conduct of hearing snd inspection
<br />of bullding.
<br />The committee shall hold a hearing at the time,
<br />date, and place fixed by it and set out in the
<br />notice provided for in aection 749. The city attor-
<br />ney, if requested, shall he present to advise the
<br />committee on legal matters and asaist it in the
<br />examinetion of witnesses. During the course of
<br />the hearing, or subsequent thereto, and prior to
<br />the filing of its report, the committee shall in-
<br />spect the huilding in question and determine the
<br />Cacts relative thereto.
<br />LCode 1970, 6 7-341
<br />Supp. No.20
<br />9ec. 7-5 1. Report to city councA generally.
<br />(a) ARer the hearing and inspecEion required
<br />by section 7-50, the committee shall t"ile a full
<br />report with the city council. Such report shall
<br />contain, among other thinge, the following:
<br />(1) Whether the building is located within or
<br />without the Central Area Diatrict of the
<br />City.
<br />(2) The name of each and every party inter-
<br />ested in the building as an owner, occu-
<br />pant, lessee, lien holder, or intereeted by
<br />virtue of any other claim, if auch names
<br />can be ascertained.
<br />(3) A description of the general type of auch
<br />building, the conatruction of same, and the
<br />occupancy and use made of it.
<br />(4) The existence of such building or conditions
<br />rendering such building, or the use being
<br />made thereof, a serious fire hazard ta liFe
<br />and property, or that such bulding is dilap-
<br />idated or dangeroua to life and property or
<br />a dangerous atructure to life and property,
<br />and setting forth the conditions in detail.
<br />(5) In such report, if tha committee has found
<br />Facts showing that the building conatitutes
<br />a serious fire hazard to life and property,
<br />or that the building is dilapidated or dan-
<br />gerous to liFe and property or a dangerous
<br />structure to life and property, the commit-
<br />tee shall recommend to the council euch
<br />measures, if aqy, as can be taken to re•
<br />move such fire hazard or building that is
<br />dilapidated or dangerous to life and prop-
<br />erty or a dangerous structure ta life and
<br />property, and render the building safe. Jf
<br />the committee finds that the 6uilding con-
<br />atitutes a serious hazard to life and proper-
<br />ty, or that the building is dilapidated or
<br />dangerous to life and property ar a danger-
<br />ous structute W life and property, and that
<br />the condition cannot be conected, the com-
<br />mittee shall so atate in ita report to the city
<br />council.
<br />(b) A copy of the part of the report dealing with
<br />the property owner'a property shall be given or
<br />mailed to the owner, together with the informa-
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