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04 Public Hearing
City Council
Agenda Packets
05 - May
04 Public Hearing
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Last modified
9/12/2012 9:50:51 AM
Creation date
5/10/2002 3:27:08 PM
Item Number
Hazardous Building Ordinance
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8[III.➢INGS AND BUiLDINC REGULATIONS <br />tion that a full copy of the report is available for <br />review in the office of the city clerk, together <br />with the probable time and date that the city <br />cauncil will consider the full report. <br />(Code 1970, $ 7-35; Ord. No. 84-031, ¢ 1, 4-9484) <br />Sec. 7-62. Action by council on report; order <br />to repsir or remove. <br />The city council shall receive the report pro• <br />vided for in section 7-51 and coneider the same at <br />its f'irst regular or specisl meeting thereafter or <br />as soon as practicable. The owner ahall be enti- <br />tled at such meeting to be heard on the mattera <br />contained in the report and to present witnesses <br />to the countil, and shall be entitled to obtain the <br />necessary proceas to summon auch witnesses.'I'he <br />council shall alao heaa such other witnesses and <br />consider such other facta ee may be deemed nec- <br />essary by it to arrive at proper conclusions con- <br />cerning the building. Should the city council con- <br />clude that the facta show that the building <br />constitutes a serious fire hazard to life and prop- <br />erty, or that the building is dilapidated or dan- <br />gerous to life and property, or a dangerous struc- <br />ture to life and property, but that measures can <br />he taken to remove the dangeroua conditions and <br />render the building saFe, it shall apecify the mea- <br />sures necessary to correct the dangemus condi- <br />tions and shall, by ordinance, order the owner to <br />take such measures and correct such conditions, <br />setting forth the time in which the work is to be <br />accompliahed by him. The owner may, at his dis- <br />cretion, instead of complying wtth such order, de- <br />molish the building completely and remove the <br />eame. If the city council should conclude that the <br />facts show thaY the conditions rendering the build- <br />ing a serious fire hazard to life and property, or <br />that Lhe building ia dilapidated or dangerous to <br />life and property or a dangeroua structure to life <br />and property, cannot be corrected hy any mea- <br />sures, it shall find and declare the building to be <br />a nuisance and shall, by ordinance, order the owner <br />to proceed ferthwith and within a apecified tlme <br />to demolish and remove the building. A copy of <br />the ordinance embodying the final decision and <br />order of the city council shall be mailed or deliv- <br />ered to the owner by the city clerk. <br />(Code 1976, 4 7-36) <br />Sec. 753. Penatty. <br />4 741 <br />(a) It shall be unlawful for the owner of prap- <br />erty to fail to comply with an order o£ the city <br />council given pursuant to section 7-52, within the <br />time specified in such order. It shall be a defense <br />to the violation deacribed herein that the time <br />given in the order of the city council has been <br />extended by the city council. <br />(b) Aqy person violating any of the provisipns <br />of this article shall be guilty of a misdemeanor <br />and upon conviction shall be Hned in any sum not <br />to exceed two thousand dollars ($2,060.00), and <br />each day's continuance oF any violation of the <br />above-enumerated aection shall constitute and be <br />deemed a separate offense. <br />(Code 1970, $ 7-37; Ord. No. 2385, 3§ 1, 2, 5-8-78; <br />Ord. No. 84-004, 4 1, 1-9-84; Ord. No. 87-044, 4 3, <br />8-19-87) <br />Secs. -7-64-7-70. R.eserved. <br />AftTICLE IV. MOVING OF BUILDINGS' <br />DIVI3ION 1. GENERALLY <br />3ec. 7-71. Permit. <br />(a) No person shall move any building or struc- <br />ture of any type which ie greater than eight (S) <br />feet in width, or twelve (12) feet in length, or ten <br />(10) feet in height, or in excess of ninety-six (96) <br />aquare feet of floor apace, along or across any <br />etreet or highway within the City, without first <br />obtaining a permit eo to do from the building <br />off"icial. Such permit shall be issued only to a <br />house mover licensed under the provisions of this <br />article. <br />(6) A licensed house mover desiring a permit <br />required by this section shall file an application <br />thereFur with the building official. The applica- <br />tion shall ehow the aize and height of the building <br />propoaed to be moved, its present location, the <br />proposed relocation,the route ofthe propoeed move. <br />ment over public or private property, the proposed <br />time and date of the movement and the owner of <br />the structure to be moved. If the structure pro- <br />•Gtoea refennce-TratFic generelly, Ch. 31. <br />491 <br />
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