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AS5UR$RS fail to fulfill thei.r cortvnimtent Ynd assurancc in Subsecrions C. and D., rtepectively. <br />F. 'Ilie zgreement by SCCA on.d ASSURERS to reimburso the COMMISS'!ON and the pGD Ca' the <br />actual tzpensoy incurred by tach agency for tlta uee of [heir ptrsomlel for pre- and post•[a.lly inapeoiions nf <br />the Premiscs. <br />ID. METHOll, T[h1E, AND PLACE OF pAYN(ENT <br />A. paymcnt o.f suctu due under Scction II. Subsectiun A. shall bt made tu the COMMt5S1pN by <br />Cashier's Chcck, Certified Check, or Money Order within 10 days following euh rally. ~ <br />B. The depusit roqu'ved by Secriun I!. Subsacrion E. shull bc made [o the COMM[SSlON by Cashiar'3 <br />Checl~ Cenified Chec.k, oc Money Ordcr and delivercd no later than 10 days before edch rally, <br />C. Payment of surrs due w COMMISSION under Seceon II. Su6seceion F. shall be made to the <br />COMMISSfON hy Caahier'S Chetk, Ceaifiad Check, ot Money Ocdcr witl~n 30 days followins reteipt of <br />COIvIIvfiSSION'S invoi[c. <br />D. Paymeat oCsums due to AGD undar Scceon lI. Subeection F. shall be medc to the AGD by <br />Cuzhier's Chcck, CeRilied Check, ur Money Ordcr within 70 days following ceceipt of the AGD'S .invoice. <br />E. All remjaanccs due ta the COMMISS[ON shall be enailed tu Execurive D'uector; Texas Milicary <br />Facilities Cammission; 2200 w. 350' St., IIldg. 64; Aus«n, TX 78703-1222. <br />P. All reminences dut ro the qGD shall be mailcd ro the Adjutant Gtneral ot7txcs, P.O. 6ux 5215. <br />Austin,'fX 787X-5218. ~ <br />IV. PURPpSE A1VD LINIITATIONS . <br />A. $CCA may use the premisas solely l'ar the conduct oC no more than 3 SCCA sanctioned.automobile <br />rallics wherein the driven race against the cluck and not aga'vut each othar. As a mejor inducemen[ for the <br />COMMtSS[ON tu enter into this Agreement, SCCA and ASSf1RERS rcpresent tlut at oo ume will drivecs <br />racc side•byside. <br />B. i. The rotal nutnber ofdays for the t}uce authotizcd rallies may not exceed foiuteea (14). <br />ii. No rally will be schcduled or conducted without tirst obtaining the wriRen pe[mission of the <br />Communder ac Camp Masey. Under no tircumstanec may the conduct of o mlly IntcrFere with the misxion <br />of the AGD. <br />b0:39tld <br />S2L6 28L £06:01 <br />£052-b8L-£06 3M34IlWpJ J0 2139WtlHJ:W021.J 8£:b0 20 £T-?JdW <br />