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I <br />iii. The levee of the lakc is pff Iimits for tlie courst of iny tally. <br />V. BitEACFI <br />The failurr of SCCA, or ASSURERS co pay or providt any part of thc consideratiun Cor this <br />Agrcer[ten[ described ip Sec[ion ]I. when due eonstitutes a brcach oCthis AgreemeuL The violation by <br />SCCA of any limitaeioo [n Section IV. eonsricutes a breach ui'this Agreemont. COMMISSION may <br />declare this Agtetmcnt void irt fhe evcnt of its brcnch by SCCA or ASSURERS, and COMMISSION may <br />seek aIl rcmcdies and dartuges authorized 6y law, ineluding ceasoneble ezpenses and anomeys' fecs. <br />VI. LIABII,ITY, INDF.hINCI'Y, ANA $OLb HARMLESS AGREEMEIYT <br />A. COMMISSION shall. not ba liablc for any loss, damage, or injury of any kind or characcer tu any <br />person or properry aasing .from eny use of the leased promises, or any paet chertoE, or caused by ar acisuig <br />from any act ar omission of SCCA, ur uny of SCCA'S egents, employccs, licensees, or inviteos, or by or <br />hom any accident on the land ur any fve or otha casualry thercon, occasioned by the failure uF SCCA to <br />maintain thc premists io x safe conditions, or aci5ittg Gom any cause whaboever. <br />B. SCCA agrces to indemnify nnd hold harnileiy tLe COMMISSlON and tht AGD from the claims of <br />aay ptrsan or entiry arising ow of the coaduct oCany SCCA sanc[ioned rnlly coaducted on dw pcemiscs, <br />whethec or not autharized by thc tcrms hereoC. <br />C. ASSUREAS agree to indemnify and.6old harmless the COMMISSION and thc AGD from the <br />claims of any person ur anrity arising ouc uEthe conduct any SCCA saecuoned rally conducted on the <br />Premises, whether or not auchorized 6y tbe tamv hcrcof, to tht txtcnt aUowed by thc ConstiNtion and laws <br />oCtha Stete of TexaSCl <br />VII. CANCfiLLA'I'ION <br />Tha COMMISSION and SCCA may tecminaee this Agrecment upon the giving of JO days' prior <br />written notice. <br />A Cailure by COMMISSION to enncel Uus Agreemene upoa SCCA's brcaeh of a tertn htreof'shall <br />not be constctiad as a waiver of COMMISSION'S rights to cancd and temtimte 5aid Agreement for any <br />Subsequent vio.lation of any of [he material coaditiuns horeof. <br />U.pon tcmunacion of this Agreerpent (or any cause w}wlsucvcr, SCCA tovenents and agrete tu <br />50: 39tld 12G6 28L £06:01 £0S2-b8L-£06 33213W4IO3 d0 2139WtlHJ:W021j 8£*0 20 £S-?JtlIJ <br />