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REPORT ON LOUISIANA UNWIRED PROPOSED TOWER AT MIRABEA <br />The firm of Trott Communications Group, Inc. ("TCG"), Irving, Texas, has been retained <br />by the City of Paris, Texas to analyze a proposed tower ("Tower") location by Louisiana <br />Unwired, LLC ("LU") for a 180' communications tower located southeast of the <br />intersection of Lamar Avenue and Loop 286 SE. The Tower is to be added to the LU <br />PCS system to enhance the coverage of the wireless telephone network to include the <br />eastern portion of the downtown area. <br />TCG has been asked by the City to investigate an alternate tower location for the <br />subject Tower. <br />For the analysis, LU supplied TCG with the parameters of the existing sites surrounding <br />the proposed Tower. These sites are: <br />Reno (Reno) <br />Paris Downtown (PDT) <br />Campbell (CBL) <br />Stone (STO) <br />The parameters (Exhibits TCG-2 through TCG-5) were used to develop propagation or <br />coverage plots of the above four sites so that a determination of whether a relocation of <br />the Tower will affect the overall system design. <br />Propagation Model <br />TCG uses EDX's Signal T" RF Propagation Tool for coverage predictions. TCG has <br />used this tool and its updates for over six years. We have found it to be extremely <br />reliable for the level of detail required for the design of cellular and PCS systems. The <br />computer model is based on industry standard techniques, including digital terrain <br />factors, that are similar to the various suppliers of propagation software. <br />Exhibit TCG-1 is a color plot of the predicted coverage of the 3 sectors of each of the <br />il <br />