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No contact has been made with the owner. $5559.89 back taxes owed. <br />Mr. Talley showed pictures of the property where it is unsecure, has missing <br />ceiling tiles, lots of junk and rubbish throughout the house and yard. Mr. Talley <br />stated that there is no water or electric at the house. The neighbors have <br />complained about children going in the house and are worried about their safety. <br />Sue Lancaster asked to speak and stated that this house was built from the remains <br />of the old courthouse. The commission asked Mr. Talley if HPC knew of this and <br />Mr. Talley stated that they did but had no plans to get involved. Due to the safety <br />issue Mr. Talley did not feel it should be tabled. <br />Robert Talley's recommendation: 30 days to demolish if not the City has the <br />right to demolish and apply a$1000 per day civil penalty. <br />Motion was made by Johnny Norris, seconded by Vicky Ballard to follow <br />Robert Talley's recommendation for the property owner to demolish the <br />property in 30 days, if not the City has the right to demolish and apply a <br />$1000 per day civil penalty to the property. <br />Mr. Talley was asked if there were any holes in the roof to which he replied that <br />he didn't see any. Mr. Wilson would like to go after the property owner for back <br />taxes and if they don't pay put this property up for auction at the tax sale. He also <br />stated that if the city could secure it there would be the possibility of saving the <br />rock from the old courthouse. No one on the commission wanted to see this end <br />up in the landfill. <br />Motion was made by Johnny Norris to rescind his previous motion, seconded <br />by Vicky Ballard. Motion to rescind was carried unanimously 5-0 <br />Mr. Talley asked that this not be tabled due to the safety issue. The city will <br />secure the structure in 14 days to discover the condition of the roof. <br />Motion was made by Zac Saffle, seconded by Johnny Norris to follow Robert <br />Talley's recommendation to secure the structure within 14 days. Motion <br />carried unanimously. 5-0 <br />I. 1332-1344 Maple Ave, City Block 190, Lot 11 & 12 <br />Owner: Larry & Cherry Grinstead 305 32na NE, Paris, TX 75460 <br />No back taaces owed. Mr. Talley stated that 1344 Maple was the structure brought <br />before BSC today. <br />Mr. Grinstead has spoken to Mr. Talley and asked for 90 days to assess how bad <br />the structure is. Mr. Talley gave him the names of two people to contact for <br />estimates. <br />Mr. Talley showed pictures where there is missing siding, roof damage, <br />deteriorated siding and a hole in the roof. The garage is full of junk and rubbish <br />and the house is being used for storage at this time. <br />Motion was made by Johnny Norris, seconded by Wendell Moore to table for <br />30 days while property owner decides what course of action to take. Motion <br />25 <br />