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Paris, Texas, entitled "Substandard and Dangerous Buildings and Structures": <br />Request was made by Robert Talley to move to item 3. B., 725 NW 9�h, City Block <br />88, Lot 17 <br />B. 725 NW 9th, City Block 88, Lot 17 <br />Owner: Tavares J Williams, 510 6th NE, Paris, TX 75460 <br />Present: Tavares J Williams and Robert Walker who is purchasing the property — <br />no back taxes owed. <br />Mr. Talley stated that this property came before BSC a couple of months ago. The <br />house has deterioration along the bottom part of the house near the foundation and <br />is unsecure. The north side of the house is in pretty good shape. One side of the <br />porch has a brace that is collapsing. The original order was for the house to be <br />demolished within 30 days. <br />Mr. Williams stated that he is selling the house to Robert Walker through owner <br />fnancing. Mr. Walker explained how he has secured the windows and doors. The <br />part of the porch that was falling has been replaced with 4x4's to brace it and the <br />house has been painted. <br />Mr. Wilson informed Mr. Walker that any plumbing and/or electrical work that <br />was done on the house needed a permit. Mr. Walker stated that Mr. Talley told <br />him to wait on permits until the results of the BSC meeting and that if they would <br />give him a 90 grace period he would get the permits required and continue to <br />work on the house. <br />Robert Talley's recommendation: 90 days to repair, if not the property will <br />be brought back to the Buildings and Standards Commission. <br />Motion was made by Johnny Norris, seconded by Vicky Ballard to give Mr. <br />Robert Walker 90 days `to repair the property until the July 2013 meeting. <br />Motion carried unanimously. 5-0 <br />Request was made by Robert Talley to move to item 3. H., 227 NW 13th , City <br />Block 191, Lot 28-A <br />H. 227 NW 13th , City Block 191, Lot 28-A <br />Owner: Michael Lecornec, 410 SE 39th , Paris, TX 75460 <br />Present: Michael Lecornec — No back taxes are owed. <br />Robert Talley showed pictures of deterioration of the front and sides of the house. <br />Inside the house some of the subflooring has been removed and there is some rot. <br />Some of the underpinning is coming off and the garage is unsecure <br />Mr. Lecornec stated that he bought this property as an investment. He paid a <br />contractor to repair the house. The contractor is the one who removed the <br />flooring. Mr. Lecornec stated that after paying the contractor he walked off the <br />job without completing the work. He has contracted other carpenters to get bids <br />� <br />