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CJD Grant Application - Page 9 <br /> <br />4.4 Descdbe the manner in which you wilt perform the above selected activities, purpose areas, state <br /> priorities, and direct services, and any other information that allows a reader to understand the <br /> specifics of the project's regular activities. <br /> <br />Type the manner in which you will perform the direct services, etc. here... <br />This project would consist of a cooperative effort between the City of Paris Police Department and Family <br />Haven. A full-time, licensed police officer will conduct follow-up investigations related to violent cdmes and <br />family violence incidents. The officer will work closely with Family Haven, the County Attorney's Office and <br />other community resources to see that victims receive the services they need. The officer and Family Haven <br />representative ,Mil conduct community education programs to better inform the local population of the <br />seriousness of the problem. Additionally, the officer and Family Haven representative will keep the victim <br />informed of the status of her case and see the victim threu~]h the cdminal justice system. <br /> <br /> Issue Dote: October 2002 <br /> <br /> <br />