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CJD Grant Application - Page 10 <br /> <br />4.5 Provide a summary of any training activities for outside agency staff including who will be trained and <br /> on what topics they will be trained. <br /> <br />Type a summary of training activities here... <br />The Lamar County Family Violence Task Force annual training, geared toward all professionals who support <br />the victim of domestic violence, including law enforcement officers, physicians, nurses, social workers, <br />counselors, family members. Reinforce the participant's awareness,ofdomesficviolence asacommunify <br />problem that requires the cooperation of multiple disciplines to effectively intervene and support the victims of <br />=amily violence. <br /> <br />4.6 Provide a summary of any relevant curricula for VAWA training projects. <br />Type a summary of relevant curricula here... <br /> <br /> Train participants in ways to assess, identify and intervent in family violence situations. Educate these <br /> community members about the services available for victims. Describe Texas laws regarding dating violence. <br /> Discuss benefits of protective orders. <br /> <br /> 4.7 Provide a list of work products of staff, if any (i.e. program brochures, training manuals, protocols, etc.). <br /> Type a list of w~rk products here.. <br /> <br /> Program brochure, safety plan brochures, posters, reference materials. <br /> <br />PART 5: PROJECT OBJECTIVES <br />~Need~ <br />Provide specific output and outcome (as required) measures for this project: <br />[ Output Measures- Required f°r Ail Pr°'ects I Current Datavictims Served: 1978 Tarqet Level2000 <br />Personnel Trained (identify type of personnel here): 120 140 .~' <br />IOther (please specify bel°w) L I <br /> Outcome Measures - Required for Proiects Providinq Current Data Tarqet Level <br /> '~rnininq and for All Criminal Justice-Related Proiects <br /> Victims served: 1978 2000 <br /> Training for community: 120 140 <br /> <br /> Issue Date: October 2002 <br /> <br /> <br />