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I Proposal <br />I Comprehensive Water Distribution System Audit <br /> <br /> of the costs, potential regulatory ramifications, and a cost/ This project required innovative design elements related to <br /> benefit anaiy~isfor each ofthethree City parks, the site plan development architectural treatments and <br /> landscaping in order to allow this high-capacity pump <br /> Rowlett Water.. System station, located on only 1.5 acres, to blend into the adjacent <br /> Improvements/ residential neighborhood which consisted of a church, <br /> Elevated Tank residences and a golf course. The construction administration <br /> Rowlett, Texas ofthis project included balancing the construction activities <br /> Carter&Burgesscompletedanumberofprojectsaspartof while minimizing the disruption to the surrounding <br /> a major improvement of the Rowlett water system. The community. Project activities also included surface and <br /> facilities included a new 1-MC elevated tank, 8 miles of subsurface investigations, analysis ofdesign alternatives, <br /> 12- to 24-inch water lines, telemetry system improvements pump station hydraulic design, surge analysis, structural <br /> and renovation of an existing 0.75-MC elevated tank. The design requirements based on specific site and soil conditions, <br /> Rowlett Road Pump Station included design of a 2-MC pumpstationconflgurations, securitysystemsdesign, resident <br /> ground storage tank, 24-inch water main, yard piping, construction administration services, and electrical/ <br /> hydropneumaflctank, drainage system and connectionsto instrumentation, mechanical design, architectural design, <br /> existing facilities. The water lines are located primarily in and smoke detection and removal system design. <br /> developed parts of the city, requiring utility coordination <br /> and construction sequencing to minimize impacts during <br /> construction. The project also included the development of a <br /> computer model of the City's water distribution system <br /> demand projections for a 30-year design period to assess <br /> future water demands. Carter & Burgess also penCormed an <br /> evaluation of the existing water distribution system capacity <br /> and pressures. <br /> <br /> Cedar Crest Pumping <br /> Station <br /> Dallas, Texas <br /> Carter & Burgess designed the 130-MGD Cedar Crest Pump <br /> Stationwhichconsistsofa96-inchdiametersuctionlJne, Circle T Ranch Fidelity <br /> and 64-inch and 42-inch diameter discharge lines. The Water Master Meter ~r <br /> Cedar Crest Station serves two pressure planes in the City of Water Line Along <br /> Dallas, the South High and Trinity Heights distribution SH 1 1 4 <br /> systems. The pump station's initial pumping capacity <br /> consistedofthree8-MGDsingle-speedpumpsandtwoduaJ- Fort Worth, Texas <br /> speed pumps (30 MGD each at Iow speed and 42 MOD each HgIwood Development Corporation officials plan to supply <br /> at highspeed). Carter & Burgess also designed and provided Fidelity Investments at Circle T Ranch with water from the <br /> witness testing of two 42-inch Venturi meters and three 18- City of Fort Worth. <br /> inch VenturJ meters. A SCADA data acquisition system was Cadet & Burgess employees designed the master water meter <br /> designed in ordertoallowremotepumpstafionoperations, and water line along Texas SH Il4 that will bring the <br /> Landscaping to meet the City of Dallas Landscape Ordinance <br /> was also provided, water from the city of Fort Worth into the planned community. <br /> <br /> Carter Burgess 7 <br /> <br /> <br />