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Several steps were taken in order to create a successful and realistic Master Plan. <br />• The initial step in evaluating the parks and open space system in Paris was to inventory the <br />existing parks, open space and recreational resources. <br />• A Citizen's Advisory Committee was created in order to better understand the City of Paris and <br />for additional input throughout the planning process. <br />• The developed park acreage was compared to the existing population in order to establish the <br />current level of service. <br />• The existing parks were evaluated against national standards published by the National <br />Recreation and Park Association (NRPA) to allow for an objective review of the park system. <br />• A citizen survey was developed and a total of 296 surveys were returned giving input on Paris' <br />existing park system and future park development. <br />• Focus group meetings were conducted to obtain more information from multiple <br />environmental, civic and athletic groups. <br />• An Open to the Public meeting was held to allow anyone in the community the opportunity to <br />voice their opinion regarding the existing and future park system in Paris. <br />Based on the citizen input, existing inventory, available resources and professional opinion, <br />potential park projects were developed that mostly include renovations and enhancements of <br />existing parks and a few additional parks and recreational facilities for the City of Paris. Once the <br />master project list was developed and refined, the projects for the city were prioritized based on <br />local demand and perception of needs. Budget estimates were generated for each project and <br />possible funding sources were identified. <br />l 7 R-7, <br />G- TEXAS <br />FA <br />V <br />City of Paris Parks, Recreation & Open Space Master Plan 2013 -2023 <br />Page 7 <br />