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II. GOALS AND OBJECTIVES <br />The following Goals and Objectives are provided to give direction for future community decisions <br />regarding parks, recreation, and open space. These goals and objectives were established based on input <br />from the City of Paris residents. <br />Park and Recreation Goal: <br />To ensure the provision of a balanced park system that meets the recreational needs of the citizens <br />of Paris and helps to create a unique community character. <br />Objectives: <br />• To provide new and different recreational opportunities for all age groups. <br />• To emphasize the renovation, rehabilitation and upgrades to the existing parks in Paris. <br />• To develop and provide public parks throughout the city that are in close proximity to all <br />neighborhoods. <br />• To forge partnerships with public and private organizations for the development, operation <br />and maintenance of future recreational facilities. <br />• To provide a pedestrian system that connects parks, residential and commercial areas and <br />schools with trails, sidewalks and bike lanes. <br />• To increase the level of maintenance at the existing parks and maintain new facilities at a <br />high level. <br />• To ensure that the park system reflects the recreational needs of the community to <br />encourage healthy lifestyles. <br />Open Space Goal: <br />To identify, protect and preserve quality natural open spaces for unstructured recreational <br />activities, inherent aesthetic value and protection of valuable ecosystems. <br />Objectives: <br />• To continually research the viability of developing trail systems along creeks, floodplains, <br />and utility easements that will link public and private recreational facilities, neighborhoods <br />and school campuses. <br />• To limit development in natural open spaces in order to minimize adverse effects on <br />valuable ecosystems. <br />• To address natural open space needs when developing active recreational facilities to <br />provide citizens with well balanced recreational experiences that include both active and <br />passive opportunities. <br />7 City ofParis Parks, Recreation & Open Space Master Plan 2013 -2023 <br />Page 5 <br />