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MINUTES <br />REGULAR MEETING OF <br />PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION <br />MONDAY, January 6, 1997 <br />The Planning and Zoning Commission met Monday, January 6, 1997 at 5:30 P.M. in the <br />Council Room, City Hall, Paris, Texas with the following members present: <br />1. <br />Nadine Ausbie <br />2. <br />Eva Flenniken <br />3. <br />Louis Yates <br />4. <br />Marshall Kent <br />5. Curtis Fendley <br />6. Joe McCarthy <br />7. Bobby Myers <br />8. Cesar Horta <br />Earl Smith, City Engineer, also attended the meeting as staff representative. <br />The meeting was called to order by Curtis Fendley, Vice - Chairman. <br />The minutes from the December 2, 1996 meeting were approved with a motion by <br />Bobby Myers. The motion was seconded by Marshall Kent and carried by a vote of 6 <br />ayes and 0 nays. <br />2. Public Hearing to consider the petition of Minnie Nelson, for a change in zoning <br />from a One Family Dwelling District No. 2 (SF -2) to a General Retail District (GR) <br />on Lot 2, Block 9 of the Colonial Addition, located at 1373 W. Shiloh. <br />A motion to bring item from the floor was made by Bobby Myers. The motion was <br />seconded by Nadine Ausbie and carried by a vote of 7 ayes and 0 nays. <br />The Public Hearing was declared opened. <br />Minnie Nelson of 1373 W. Shiloh addressed the Planning and Zoning and presented a <br />drawing of the parking layout of the Bar -B -Q . <br />There was no one to speak in opposition and the public hearing was declared closed. <br />Note: Joe McCarthy joined the meeting. <br />Nadine Ausbie made a motion to approve the zoning change. The motion was <br />seconded by Bobby Myers and carried by a vote of 8 ayes and 0 nays. <br />3. Public Hearing to consider the closing of 10th Street S.E., located between the <br />north boundary line from Austin Street, north to south boundary line of <br />Clarksville Street. <br />A motion to excuse Curtis Fendley was made by Bobby Myers. The motion was <br />seconded by Eva Flenniken and carried by a vote of 7 ayes and 0 nays. <br />