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Regular City Council Meeting <br />September 8, 2003 <br />Page 10 <br /> <br />last year, but times are tough and they are tough for everyone involved. Mr. <br />Allen said that they are asking the Council to do what is fair for all the <br />employees. He said he is one of the ones that does not make $25,000.00 a year. <br />He advised that he has four kids, one that has asthma and he also has epilepsy. <br />If they cut his benefits, they would end up hurting his family and he is asking the <br />Council to please not do that. Mr. Allen advised there are a lot of employees in <br />the same situation that he is in that make less money than he does. He said being <br />a single dad, he has to work this j ob and a part-time j ob and schedule that around <br />his children. Mr. Allen explained that it is not the money, it is the benefits that <br />is needed for the employees. <br /> <br />Danny Huff, a Sargent with the Paris Police Department, appeared before the <br />Council, stating that he is a 24 year veteran with the City of Paris. He stated that <br />he would like to clarify whether or not there will be public comments at the end <br />of tonight's meeting. Mayor Fendley advised that it is not on the agenda, but he <br />would be more than happy to open it back up. Mr. Huff said that one of the <br />things that was spoken of at the last meeting was concern for rumors and <br />speculations and, perhaps they could put the city employees at ease on some of <br />the issues. Mr. Huff said that some of the Council Members that he has had the <br />opportunity to speak with has indicated that the reduction in the employee <br />benefits through insurance and pension is a result of the Council's intent to <br />increase the salary to 3.4 or to a higher rate for this year. Some of the other <br />Council Members had indicated, and some of the rumors are, that the reduction <br />in the employees benefits through insurance cost and the reduction of the pay <br />increase of 3.4 down and any other changes would be the City Council's plans <br />to revert that money over to the Fire Department group for three additional <br />firefighters and salary restructure. He did not think that the employees were clear <br />on what the City Council is going to do. <br /> <br />Councilman Guest advised that the firemen issue, as far as overtime, is a separate <br />issue. He said what they were looking at is how to eliminate two or three <br />hundred thousand dollars in overtime, and the question was, if they added three <br />firemen, would that eliminate a portion of the overtime. <br /> <br /> <br />