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Regular City Council Meeting <br />September 8, 2003 <br />Page 9 <br /> <br />Mayor Fendley asked Gene Anderson, Director of Finance, to bring the Council <br />a summary of the requests that they have so far. <br /> <br />Mayor Fendley asked if there were any further requests from those in the <br />audience, and there were none. <br /> <br />Mayor Fendley advised that the Council would take a 10 minute break at 7:00 <br />P.M. <br /> <br />Mayor Fendley reconvened the meeting at 7:14 P.M. <br /> <br />Mayor Fendley asked if there was anyone in the audience who would like to <br />speak regarding the proposed budget. <br /> <br />Mike Alexander, Code Enforcement Officer, came forward addressing the <br />retirement for the employees of the city. He said that when he left the last <br />meeting of the City Council, he left with the feeling there was a possibility that <br />the employees' pension could be cut. Mr. Alexander stated that he understood <br />that the employees of the city have a good deal in their benefits, and he certainly <br />appreciated that. He said he was hoping that the Council would let them know <br />what they were going to vote on before they spoke. Mr. Alexander asked the <br />Council to look at other ways to cut instead of cutting the employee's benefits. <br />He said that is one of the things that keeps the employees with the city sure <br />wasn't the pay. Mr. Alexander asked the Council to look at ways of cutting the <br />budget other than the retirement, because some of the cuts being mentioned <br />would place Paris employees on par with smaller cities like Blossom and Reno, <br />or towns of that size. He felt the city employees deserve more than that, and <br />again asked them to look at other ways of cutting the budget. <br /> <br />Brad Allen appeared before the City Council, stating that he has been with the <br />city for eight and one-half years, starting out in the Street Department and the <br />Sanitation Division of Public Works and has been in the Engineering Department <br />for the past eight years. Mr. Allen said last year, the employees came before the <br />Council as a Board for City Employees for Fairness and felt they sacrificed a lot <br /> <br /> <br />