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Regular City Council Meeting <br />September 8, 2003 <br />Page 6 <br /> <br />their current location where they have seven fields. Mr. Perry said they pride <br />themselves on always allowing any kid that desires to play the opportunity to play <br />baseball. Mr. Perry said the City of Paris can buy electricity at a much cheaper <br />rate than can the Breakfast Optimist Club. Mr. Perry asked for the same <br />consideration as they have had for the past 28 years. <br /> <br />Karl Louis, Police Chief, 811 Bonham Street, was present, stating that he wanted <br />to speak regarding an important part of this city and that is the baseball youth <br />complex. He explained the benefit to the city from a crime prevention <br />standpoint. He said that the Police Athletic League sponsors teams at Woodall <br />Field and that the kids stay involved in the sports, keeping them off the streets <br />and out of trouble. He felt that it is a great asset to the community. Chief Louis <br />said his child played out there and he was a coach for 8 or 9 years and it is a <br />valuable asset to the community. He urged the city to continue supporting the <br />Breakfast Optimists. <br /> <br />Kenneth Webb appeared in support of the Breakfast Optimist Baseball Club. Mr. <br />Webb said that Paris Junior College does a lot to help this community out and <br />so does the City of Paris. He said they all have to pay for services that other <br />people use. The city helps to pay for services of the Breakfast Optimist Baseball <br />Club and Paris Junior College does the same thing at the college. That is what <br />makes Paris great and that is what makes Paris a wonderful place to live. Mr. <br />Webb asked the City Council to try to see the need for this program and the need <br />for the future of the city through these kids. <br /> <br />Councilman Weekly asked if the Boy's Club played baseball at Woodall Field. <br />Mr. Perry advised that this year, the Boy's Club did not have a baseball league <br />and they were the only one in town. Prior to that, they did have an all-star team <br />that did participate during the Dixie League All Star Play-off. Mr. Webb advised <br />that the kids from the Boy's Club are playing at Woodall Field now. The Boys <br />and Girls Club has a basketball program that is really strong and several other <br />programs. Mr. Webb said there is no conflict of interest as to what they are <br />doing. The baseball fields are being used by the City of Paris program for four <br />year olds; therefore, Sally Wright has been utilizing those fields and it has been <br /> <br /> <br />