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Regular City Council Meeting <br />September 8, 2003 <br />Page 7 <br /> <br />a successful program. Those fields are also being also used as practice fields. <br /> <br />Bill Clark, Powderly, Texas, was present, stating that he has been with the <br />Optimist Club for about 25 years, and that it has been said that the kids from the <br />Boy's Club cannot come to Woodall field. Mr. Clark stated that when the kids <br />come to sign up, they are not asked if they are from the Boy's Club. He said he <br />wanted to make sure that everyone understands that it does not matter where they <br />are from, they just sign them up. Mr. Clark said they take sign up sheets to the <br />Boy's Club Executive Group and ask them to have the kids sign up and they <br />make all the arrangements so they can accommodate these kids. He said that it <br />takes participation by the parents and the community leaders in order to help the <br />kids get out to Woodall Field and into their program. They have room for them <br />and they want them to play baseball. <br /> <br />Jim Arneson, 925 31 st Street, Executive Director of NETCADA, came forward <br />telling the Council that they have been providing counseling and treatment here <br />in Paris for quite a few years. He said that 60% of their budget is spent on youth <br />prevention and intervention programs. He said with the support of the city, they <br />have been able to provide many important services to Paris citizens to combat <br />what has become the number one social problem in this nation. The abuse of <br />alcohol and drugs costs Texas $19.3 billion annually. He said that is over <br />$1,000.00 for every man, woman and child in the state. Mr. Arneson said they <br />are providing screening, assessment, and referrals servicing to all ages, and they <br />provide a variety of substance abuse related educational classes to adults and <br />youth. <br /> <br />Mr. Arneson said the Texas Commission on Alcohol and Drug Abuse requires <br />a 5% match on the funding they provide. Through a very competitive process, <br />they have been successful in bringing needed services to this area where a dollar <br />of local match covers $20.00 of state funding. He said that is why it is so <br />important to have the financial support of the City, and again, they were <br />requesting $10,000.00 to help fund NETCADA. <br /> <br />Cindy Bowlin, Executive Director for Models of the Maker, appeared before the <br /> <br /> <br />