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Regular City Council Meeting <br />October 13,2003 <br />Page 5 <br /> <br />were going much faster than the car that hit her daughter. <br /> <br />Ms. Grant said after researching the City Ordinances on line, she discovered <br />that the Director of Public Works had the authority to designate crosswalks. <br />She contacted Terry Townsend and the next day the pedestrian crosswalk signs <br />were placed right at the crosswalk and that evening the crosswalk was painted. <br />Ms. Grant said the amazement was not because the action was taken, but the <br />speed in which it was taken was wonderful. Also during the following week, <br />the Paris Police Department was present after school and the following Friday, <br />the Policeman actually had to get out of his vehicle to direct traffic. Ms. Grant <br />said her purpose is to inform the City Council of the situation and to thank <br />Terry Townsend, her City Councilwoman, Fran Neeley, and the Paris Police <br />Department for their prompt attention to this matter. She asked the Council not <br />to forget this situation because the violations are still occurring everyday. <br /> <br />Betty Dixon Stokes, 136 Bonham Street, appeared before the City Council <br />requesting head-in parking for businesses along Bonham Street. Ms. Stokes <br />presented a petition signed by all of the businesses in the two blocks that are <br />being discussed. Ms. Stokes said there are 14 businesses that are located <br />between the Plaza and 3rd Street. She said on their block there are <br />approximately five to six parallel parking places. She said that the 300 Block <br />of Lamar going through the Plaza to Bonham are all slanted parking places and <br />have been for a long time. Ms. Stokes said the width of Lamar Street from the <br />east side and Bonham Street from the west side are approximately the same. <br />She said that if you drive directly through the center of town, the left two lanes <br />as you go off the Plaza continue straight. The right two lanes you have to move <br />over one is parking and one is continued traffic flow. Ms. Stokes said if the <br />city changed this to slant parking, there would be approximately three times <br />more parking places for customers. She said that if they had more parking <br />places, more business could be conducted, more sales expected, more taxes <br />paid and more funds from the taxes to the city. <br /> <br />City Manager Malone advised that this is an item that would be referred to the <br /> <br /> <br />