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Regular City Council Meeting <br />October 13,2003 <br />Page 6 <br /> <br />Traffic Commission and it would ultimately be approved or disapproved by the <br />Texas Department of Transportation in accordance with the maintenance <br />agreement that the city has with the state. <br /> <br />Shawn Napier said that the municipal agreement with the state regarding angle <br />parking states that it is prohibited except upon written approval of the State <br />after traffic and engineering surveys have been conducted to determine that the <br />roadway is of sufficient width to permit angle parking without interfering with <br />the free movement of traffic. Mr. Napier said he had one of his inspectors go <br />out and measure Lamar Avenue on the east side parking of the Plaza and they <br />are both 50 feet wide, Bonham Street is 40 and one-half feet wide and Grand <br />Street is 41 and one-half feet wide, and most of the other streets there are 40 to <br />42 and one-half feet with the exception of 1 st Street S.W., which is off the <br />square and it was 48 and one-half feet. Mayor Fendley said if you do this you <br />would be down to one lane and one-half of traffic. Mr. Napier agreed with that. <br /> <br />The City Council referred this matter to the City Engineer to research and find <br />out if it is possible to do the angle parking. They wanted the City Engineer to <br />contact the Texas Department of Transportation if it is something they would <br />agree to if request, and if not, why, and report back to the City Council at the <br />November meeting. <br /> <br />ORDINANCE NO. 2003-046 <br /> <br />AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PARIS, <br />PARIS, TEXAS, PROVIDING THAT THE CODE OF ORDINANCES, CITY <br />OF PARIS, BE AMENDED BY REVISING SUBPARAGRAPH (f) OF <br />SECTION 17-5 OF SAID CODE; PROVIDING FOR AN INCREASE OF <br />$1.00 FOR THE PRESERVATION OF VITAL STATISTICS RECORDS <br />UPON ISSUANCE OF THE RECORD, INCLUDING BIRTH, DEATH, AND <br />FETAL DEATH RECORDS, IN ACCORDANCE WITH SENATE BILL 1744 <br />WHICH AMENDED THE HEALTH AND SAFETY CODE, SECTION <br /> <br /> <br />