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City of Paris Council Benefits Subcommittee <br />December 9, 2003 <br />Page 7 <br />reprimanded. Mayor Pro Tem McCarthy asked what would someone charge it <br />to when they call in. Mr. Anderson advised that person would probably be <br />charging it to sick leave if he has any. Chief Louis said that anytime there is a <br />reason or suspicion of an invalid call in sick, they check it right then. They do <br />not have to wait, they can check it out right then. Kent Klinkerman said if that <br />employee shows up at another j ob, that would be a big factor for him. He said <br />it is also a big factor in promotion. <br />Councilman Bell wanted to know if they knew how much sick leave cost the city <br />each year, how many people have taken sick leave. Mr. Anderson said he would <br />try to get that for him. He was not sure he could get it all by tomorrow. <br />Councilman Bell also requested the cost of the buy back, sick leave and vacation <br />and the number of employees that are in the top two brackets of the sick leave 89 <br />day or above. Councilman Bell said that he thought that these are questions that <br />need to be brought before the public hearing side of the City Council's portion <br />of this. <br />Chairman Guest said take maternity leave for instance, which is one of the <br />Family Leave Acts, but they do not get paid. He said you could employ an <br />employee for two years and that employee does not take any sick leave and goes <br />on paid maternity leave for 30 days, couldn't they do this as that employee has <br />accumulated 30 days. Mr. Anderson explained thatyou have to have justification, <br />even for maternity leave. He said that if the doctor does not give that employee <br />a written statement that says he had to be off work, then that employee will have <br />to come back whenever the doctor says he can. City Attorney Schenk said that <br />FMLA allows much more but it is unpaid, but the city's policy, over the FMLA <br />policy to where an employee qualifies under the city's policy for paid leave, you <br />can count that towards the FMLA leave in terms of aggregate number of days it <br />is double time. If an employee is off and it is aqualified event of the city's sick <br />leave policy, that employee will get paid a certain number of days and if that <br />triggers the stop, and the employee is no longer qualified under the city's <br />maternity leave portion of our sick leave policy to be paid, they can still be off <br />the rest of those days that they have under FMLA without pay. <br />