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PLANNED DEVHLOPMBNT DISTRICT - MEDICAL CENTER AND HOSPITAL (PDd) AND <br />OFFICE CENTER (PD-f) be, and the same is hereby, established on PART OF LOT 14, CFI'Y <br />BLOCK 259, on propecty belonging W H& W INVESTMENTS, so as W include in such <br />PLANNED DEVELOPNIEN'C DISTTtIC'F - MEDICAL CENTER AND HOSPITAL (PDd) AND <br />OFFICE CENTER (PD-f) thehereinafter described property, wfrich was formerly and is presendy <br />designated as a ONE-FAMILY DWELLING DISTRICT NO. 2(SF-2), and that the boundaries <br />of said PLANNED DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT - MEDICAL CENTER AND HOSPITAL <br />(PDd) AND OFFICE CENTER (PD-f), be, and the same are hereby, established as follows: <br />SITUATED within the corporate (imits of the City of Paris, County of <br />Iamaz, and State of Texas, being a part of the Hiram Williams Survey 1/1003, and <br />being a part of tract 6(being a part of Lot 14, Ciry Block 259, plat not recorded) <br />as conveyed H& W Investments, by deed recorded in Volume 646, Page 681, of <br />the Deed Records of said County and State, and being more particularly described <br />as follows: <br />BEGINNING at a concrete marker (f) for corner in the north boundary line <br />of said tract 6 at the east boundary Gne of N. Collegiate Drive, said point being the <br />southwest comer of Lot 18, Biock 3, Town North Fstates A2, said Addition being <br />recorded in Envelope 218-B, Plat Records of said County and State; <br />THENCE along the easterly boundary line of said N. Collegiate Drive as <br />follows: South 13°23'27" West a distance of 56.62 feet to a capped (JMN-4025) <br />iron pin (s); southerly around a curve (R=986.25', C=South 29°54'32" West <br />384.49 tt.) to the right a distance of 387.06 feet to a capped (JMN-4025) iron pin <br />(s); South 41°22'33" West a distance of 77.94 fett to a capped (JMN-4025) iron <br />pin (f) for cmnor at a point in the northerly west boundary line of said tract 6, said <br />poinrt being in tfie northerly north boundary line of tract l as wnveyed Lynn <br />Newman et al by deed recorded in Volume 396, Page 37, of the Iteal Property <br />Records of said County and State; <br />THENCE South 89°29'09" East a distance of 25.70 feet W a capped (JMN- <br />4025) iron pin (f) for comer at an el comer of said H&W tract 6 and the norrheast <br />corner of said Newman tract 1; <br />THENCE South 17°00'33" West a distance of 683.12 feet to a capped <br />(JMN-4025) iron pin (f) for comer at the southerly southwest corner oF said H&W <br />tract 6 and the southeast comer of said Newman uact 2; <br />THENCE South 88°27'06" East along the north boundary line of E. Cherry <br />Street a distance of 589.22 feet to a capped (JMN-4025) iron pin (s) for comer at <br />the present southerly southeast corner of said H&W tract 6; <br />THENCE North 51 °43'S5' East along the transition from the north <br />boundary iine of said E. Cherry Street to the west boundary line of 31st Sueet <br />N.E. a distance of 41.28 feet to a capped (JMN-4025) iron pin (s) for comer at a <br />present southeast corner of said H&W tract 6; <br />THENCE Norfh 11 054'44" Fast along the west boundazy line of said 31 st <br />Street N.E. a distance of 163.02 feet to a capped (JMN-4025) iron pin (s) for <br />corner; <br />