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<br />Lueius Joe, Jr. made a motion that the building be demolished within 30 <br />davs with a $1000 per day civil penalty and, i l' the building is n"t <br />de;nolished within the 30 day time period, the City will demolish the <br />building. Brad Archer seconded the motion. The motion earncd <br />unanimously. <br /> <br />c. <br /> <br />752 3'd NE. Lot Pt. 5 & 7, Block 75 <br />There were no comments 1'rom thc audience concerning this propert'.. <br /> <br />Chad Brown made a motion that the building l1C demolished withm 30 <br />davs with a $1000 per dav civil penalty and, i1' the building is not <br />de~lolished within the 30 day time period, the Cily will demolish the <br />building, Brad Archer seconded the motion. Thc motion carried <br />unanimously. <br /> <br />D. <br /> <br />1O3S \,y. Shiloh, Lot 4. City Biock 36 <br />There were no commenlS from the audience concerning this propCrl,. <br /> <br />I-Iarre11 Tippitt made a motlOn that the building be demolished withm 3O <br />dt1Ys with a $1000 per day civil penalty and, if the buildmg IS nol <br />demolished within the 30 day time period, the City will demolish the <br />building, Lucius Joe, .II'. seconded the motion. The motion carned <br />unanimously. <br /> <br />Eo <br /> <br />717 4'h NW, Lots S & S-A, City mock S9 <br />There were no comments 1'romthe audience concerning this propcrlv. <br /> <br />Lucius Joe, Jr. made a rnotion that the building be demolished \\ ithin .,0 <br />days with a SIOOO per day civil penalty and, il' the building IS n"l <br />demolished within the 30 day time period, the City will demolish Ihc <br />bui Iding. \1ary Crumpler seconded the motion. The motlOn carried <br />unanimously <br /> <br />5. <br /> <br />Status of the properties that the Commission has issued orders. <br />Tommy Haynes addressed the ('ommission concell1ing the cases Ihal h'l\'e heen <br />heard, Or-ders have been issued on a lolal of 26 houses not including the homes <br />hsted above. <br /> <br />8 houses have been demolished by the Owner <br />6 houses have been demolished by the City at an approximatc e'ost "I' <br />$21.000, whieli is wel] within the City's budget of $80,()OO for demolition <br />3 houses have been repalred by thc Owner. These houses were' repaired <br />within the time frame issued by the Commission. <br />I house is in the process of being repaired. The deadline for the' rcp"irs on <br />this house is tomorrow. <br /> <br />112 16-11.\ Budding & Standards \1eeting \1inutcs.duc <br /> <br />1'.",<, -' "(.' <br />