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Regular Council Meeting <br />June 23, 2014 <br />Page 2 <br />Anna Spencer, 1710 34th N.E. — she referred to an agenda item pertaining to the PEDC <br />investigation and Defenbaugh contract, which was posted for a special meeting on June 12 for <br />executive session. She said the meeting was cancelled. Mrs. Spencer said she learned through <br />the media in Sherman, Texas, that the mayor, mayor - pro -tem, city manager and city attorney had <br />a telephone conversation with Mr. Defenbaugh and that he was waiting for further instruction. <br />She said she could only assume that one of them gave Mr. Defenbaugh independent instruction <br />to halt the investigation until further direction. She said PEDC was funded with public money <br />and the public had a right to know what happened. Mrs. Spencer said the investigation was not a <br />waste of funds, but was necessary because city officials did not take corrective action several <br />months ago. <br />Louise Moseley, 3915 Shannon — she said she had seen the council table everything, <br />because they did not want to bring items forward. She said she wanted to know what right the <br />mayor, mayor pro -tem, city manager and city attorney had to get together and call Defenbaugh <br />and keep the rest of the Council out. <br />Judy Battle — she reiterated what Louise Moseley said to the Council. She said the <br />Council was charged with representing the citizens of the City of Paris. She asked that they <br />remove the roadblocks and let the investigation continue. She also said the public wants to know <br />what happened and they deserved to know the truth. <br />Consent Agenda <br />Mayor Frierson inquired of Council Members if they wished to pull any items from the <br />Consent Agenda for discussion. Council Member Hashmi asked about a $5,000 expense for an <br />economic study in that he wanted to know if it was separate from the retail study. Mr. Godwin <br />said there was an environmental study which was different. A Motion to approve the Consent <br />Agenda was made by Council Member Hashmi and seconded by Council Member Jenkins. <br />Motion carried, 6 ayes — 0 nays. <br />5. Approve the minutes from the City Council meetings on June 3, 2014 (special) and June <br />9, 2014. <br />6. Receive reports and /or minutes from the following boards, commissions, and committees: <br />a. Main Street Advisory Board (5 -13 -2014) <br />b. Planning & Zoning Commission (5 -19 -2014) <br />c. Paris convention & Visitors Council (5 -29 -2014) <br />d. Building & Standards Commission (5 -19 -2014) <br />7. Receive May monthly financial report. <br />8. Receive May drainage ditch maintenance report. <br />9. Receive dilapidated structure report. <br />