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<br />this building after providing thc Commission with a 1958 picture ofthe building with no <br />comments. Hc stated that he wrote a letter to thc owner to offer to purchase thc property ¡rom <br />him. The motion to recuse Paul Denny was made by Barbara Wilson and seconded by Becki <br />Normcnt. After Mr. Denny's dcparture, the discussion was opened concerning thc property. <br />Becki Nonnent asked for clarification [¡-om the Chairman as to what the Commission's <br />responsibility should be. Chairman Starrett said that we could declare that the house had historical <br />significancc and that a 180 day time [¡-ame would be placed on the house. Barbara Wilson <br />indicated that she wou1d like to see a time framc because even if it could not be rehabilitated, it <br />may have historical salvageable items. She then moved that house was historically significant. The <br />motion was scconded by Becki Norment and aftcr a voice vote, the motion passed unarumously. <br /> <br />Before beginning thc last structure, Thc Chairman asked for a motion to allow Paul Denny to <br />return. Thc motion was madc by Becki Norment and seconded by Barbara Wilson. <br />Building M. 2.49 3rd St SW . The building was not deemed historically sigruficant and could not <br />be rchabilitated. The motion was made by Claudia Hunt and seconded by Paul Denny. Aftcr a <br />voice vote, thc motion carried unanimously. <br /> <br />Item 5: <br /> <br />Discussion and possible action on: <br /> <br />A. Making revisions to thc Commission's rules regar--ding..Ct'.úiticatcs of Appropriateness. <br />There were conccrns among the members of the Commission as to how many times should an <br />applicant appear before the Commission and if they ask for a request to be tabled, how many <br />times should it appear on the agenda before being dismissed. Therc was also a discussion about <br />requiring a time for the completion of a project. Steve Medven of Buildings and Standards stated <br />that Planning and Zoning automatically rejects a perrlÙt if the homeowncr does not appcar a <br />second time after being on the agenda. Several solutions were proposed by CornnlÍssion members. <br />Onc was to use the P&Z's rule that a nÜssed second appearance triggers a rejection and requires <br />reapplication. The Chairman felt that we should makc cvery cffort to assist homeowners. There <br />was some question as to whcthcr the Commission could, by rule do this or would this action <br />require a change in the ordinance by the City Council. After further discussion, it was dccided to <br />havc Lisa Wright, Community Developmcnt Dircctor ask for a ruling nom the City Attorney's <br />ollice. A motion was made by Barbara Wilson to have Lisa Wright ask the City Attorney for a <br />ruling. It was seconded by Becki Norment Thc motion passcd unanimously. Claudia Hunt then <br />suggested using P&Z's rules to trigger declination and fe-application of certificatc. A motion was <br />then offered by Barbara Wilson that failurc of the applicant to appear on a requested Certificate of <br />Appropriateness, the Ccrtificate would be tabled until the following Commission meeting. Ifthc <br />pctitioner did not appear, the Certificate would be derued. . The motion was sccondcd by Becki <br />Norment. The motion passed unanimously. At this point, Becki Norment asked thc Chairman, if <br />questions that she had received [¡-om a homeowner would be appropriate at this time. After <br />assurances [¡-om that this was thc place in the agenda to do so, she stated that a homcowner had <br />callcd to say that she was told that she wou1d need a Certificate of Appropriatcness to plant <br />