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plans for the use of material generatcd by the piajcct. <br />T'ROTTSSiONAL S'I'A'VllARllS <br />lo iucure that appropriate historical, architcctural, aroheulogical, and ctiltural propenies ,ue idrntificd <br />lo,public benefit ihrough grant-in-aid assistance, persons supezvising granf projects must hc <br />professionally quLilificct in accordauce with 36CFR66. Copies are available from the'1'HC. <br />PROJECl' IMYLTMENTATION <br />Ree]EVI ;'\'D l1Pr'[~ovaL 01- Pxo,1LC'f PROPOSaI.: T'rnposals ,nay be amended before ,uhn,issiuu ()f tlie <br />Projeci Nolijrcation to Lhe National Park Service. ii'nrk begun prior to receipt of tlte cnnip(eted prnject <br />colttrtact (irtcluding reyuired signafrtres) is ineli,,iblefor reiriebrirse»zent. <br />1'ROlitr"r("'tm;I'it.acr: A conti'actual agrccmcnt «ill spccify thcscopc ofwonk approxiiraic tini.1Lible t'01 <br />completion, and a list of budgetary concerns. Tha agreemeni sha11 be signcd jnintl}' hy the S[atc f 3i;toric <br />Preser\ation Oificer and the appropriate legal representalive of the CLG prior to coi:~n~en~em~°.n of <br />project %+mk. <br />RfIMi3uttseMeNr PaocLUUlt1s: Reimbursement of expenditures is made on a basi,~ of 60';E, uf catih <br />cxpcnditures (iucludine stafftime), or 50% ofin-kind services (iiicluding oommission in(!m6cr timc). <br />PttoJr.cT revtEw: '1'HG staff periodically revie~%?rojects to monitor prooress and provide 'issistancc. <br />l~~icl: CLG is required to provide the THC wiLh 2 semi-annual progress updatc on cuch pl ojcct It:ndr,I. <br />PROJECI CER77FICATION AND PIVALREPORT: TIIC %vill rel'ain 25% of the tntal gmnt aM'31 u Luuil rcceipt <br />of a dctailed final report and certification ofilie completed preject. Copics ofproducIs c~ercrducd h~the <br />grai~! p.oject, i»clucling pritited materials, comi leted survey forms, photographic mnirciiau~, ~md iln:d <br />rcp011.ti, must be submitted to the 'f7-IC. All materia] will be reviewed within 30 days of rccri11 t. <br />Re~i~cd l'D-4 <br />